348-385 (733 Games, 47.48%)

3 Hatch before Pool
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Results (Page 7 of 30)

ReplayPlayersDate PlayedGame LengthResultBuild Orders
Year Zero LE (44)Feb 10, 201925:29Carriers
3 Hatch before Pool
Ro16 TRUE vs Zest G2TrueZestJan 6, 201913:26Oracle Opening
Archon Immortal
Swarm Host
3 Hatch before Pool
Ro16 Losira vs Classic G2ClassicLosiraJan 22, 201911:483 Hatch before Pool
Phoenix Opening
Oracle Opening
Archon Drop
Archon Immortal
lite v zidar - UlrenaMay 20, 201610:271 Gate Expand
3 Hatch before Pool
Bernd v zidar - Tours du crépusculeJan 3, 201612:09Win1 Gate Expand
3 Hatch before Pool
Khelekfin v zidar - Temple geléMay 13, 20168:53Win3 Hatch before Pool
Nexus First
Raph v zidar - Temple geléNov 1, 201619:033 Hatch before Pool
gluteus v zidar - Crête de LerilakDec 16, 201514:23Colossus Rush
1 Gate Expand
3 Hatch before Pool
TheFatKid v zidar - Base du roi Sejong ECNov 7, 20168:00Cannon Rush
3 Hatch before Pool
Para Site LE (31)Dec 9, 201820:14Phoenix Opening
Mass Phoenix
Chargelot Immortal
1 Gate Expand
3 Hatch before Pool
Bly v PtitDrogo: Game 1 - Lost and Found LEBlyPtitDrogoNov 24, 201815:15WinZealot Archon
Swarm Host
3 Hatch before Pool
Bly v HellraiseR: Game 1 - Blueshift LEBlyHellraiserNov 23, 201810:41Win3 Hatch before Pool
Ninja v Railgan - Para Site LERailganNov 8, 201810:19Win3 Hatch before Pool
Zealot Archon
Roach Hydra
PvZ Barcode 340 ampSep 22, 201811:57WinZealot Archon
Oracle Opening
3 Hatch before Pool
Scarlett v ShaDoWn: Game 1 - Cerulean Fall LEScarlettShaDoWnSep 8, 20187:06WinRavager All-In
3 Hatch before Pool
Para Site LEAug 19, 201814:463 Hatch before Pool
1 Gate Expand
Blueshift LE - memecastAug 14, 201815:01WinMass Adepts
3 Hatch before Pool
Acid Plant LE (9)Aug 10, 201821:47Win3 Hatch before Pool
Cannon Rush
Ranked #30 PvZ- Win #17 (17-13) (fast 3 hatch- Zelot rush)Jul 7, 20188:23Zergling Baneling
3 Hatch before Pool
1 Gate Expand
Ranked #68 PvZ- Win #34 (34-34) (charge lot rush vs a M1!!!)Jul 16, 20186:373 Hatch before Pool
1 Gate Expand
DnS v TRUE: Game 2 - 카탈리스트 - 래더DnSTrueJul 12, 201811:56WinZealot Archon
Dark Templar Rush
Swarm Host
3 Hatch before Pool
Archon Immortal
Bly v ShaDoWn: Game 2 - Lost and Found LEBlyShaDoWnJul 12, 201813:24Win3 Hatch before Pool
Zealot Archon
Oracle Opening
Archon Drop
Bly v ShaDoWn: Game 1 - Acid Plant LEBlyShaDoWnJul 12, 20189:25WinPhoenix Opening
3 Hatch before Pool
Bly v Neeb: Game 3 - Lost and Found LEBlyNeebJul 13, 201812:28WinPhoenix Opening
Oracle Opening
3 Hatch before Pool
16 bits EC (98)Jul 7, 20189:313 Hatch before Pool