534-432 (966 Games, 55.28%)

Mass Adepts
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Results (Page 34 of 39)

ReplayPlayersDate PlayedGame LengthResultBuild Orders
Blubbel v SadlyBoat v Smexxi v zod - Wolfe Industries CompoundJan 12, 201616:23WinMass Adepts
1 Gate Expand
Zergling Baneling
Hatch First
Hatch First
Luffe v zod - UlrenaJan 21, 201615:49WinCannon Rush
Mass Adepts
Ulrena (7)Dec 5, 201515:10Mass Adepts
Zealot Archon
Prion Terraces (27)Dec 30, 20154:42WinReaper Expand
Mass Adepts
merica build vs lucky hard stargate cheesebowmanDec 31, 20158:04Mass Adepts
Oracle Opening
Prion Terraces (55)tumescentpieNov 25, 20155:54WinMass Adepts
Prion Terraces (132)tumescentpieDec 3, 20155:10WinMass Adepts
Lerilak Crest (271)tumescentpieJan 4, 20165:08WinMass Adepts
Lerilak Crest (192)tumescentpieDec 17, 201513:46Hatch First
Mass Adepts
Dusk Towers (235)tumescentpieDec 12, 20159:18WinMass Adepts
Dusk Towers (106)tumescentpieNov 30, 20156:51WinMass Adepts
김동현 v ILLBdA - UlrenaDec 16, 20158:05WinMass Adepts
Oracle Opening
Liberator Opening
CHAESTER v ILLBdA - UlrenaJan 3, 20165:35WinMass Adepts
ILLBdA v skamy - Prion TerracesDec 10, 20154:573 Hatch before Pool
Mass Adepts
Nexus First
ILLBdA v tsunami - Orbital ShipyardDec 22, 20156:271 Gate Expand
Mass Adepts
ILLBdA v 呂布 - Lerilak CrestDec 21, 201516:09Mass Adepts
1 Gate Expand
ILLBdA v sinjai - Dusk TowersJan 3, 20166:51WinLiberator Opening
Mass Adepts
복싱맨 v ILLBdA - Dusk TowersDec 16, 20155:02WinMass Adepts
ILLBdA v WiseKRT - Dusk TowersDec 14, 201511:33Mass Adepts
Hatch First
ILLBdA v Neat - Dusk TowersDec 13, 20156:15WinCyclone Opening
Mass Adepts
Jona v SpaceMarine - UlrenaJonaSpaceMarineDec 10, 20159:50WinPool First
Mass Adepts
Lilbow v Nerchio: Game 2 - Ruins of SerasLilbowNerchioDec 5, 20158:16Hatch First
Mass Adepts
1 Gate Expand
2015-12-27 - (T)A.I. 1 (Very Easy) VS (P)GeminiDec 27, 20155:58Mass Adepts
1 Gate Expand
Reaper Expand
FireCake v ShoWTimE: Game 3 - Prion TerracesFireCakeShoWTimEDec 20, 201514:30Mass Adepts
Nexus First
3 Hatch before Pool
LiquidSnute v MinChul: Game 1 - Dusk TowersMCSnuteDec 20, 201514:42Win3 Hatch before Pool
Mass Adepts
1 Gate Expand