970-542 (1512 Games, 64.15%)

Bio Tank
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Results (Page 3 of 61)

ReplayPlayersDate PlayedGame LengthResultBuild Orders
Reynor-Uthermal WCS Montreal 2018 - FractureReynoruThermalSep 9, 201812:36WinPool First
Liberator Opening
Bio Tank
Reaper Expand
Gas First Reaper Expand
Para SiteDenveruThermalSep 8, 201810:57Hatch First
Hellion Banshee
Bio Tank
Reaper Expand
Aelykto v iliketurtles - Blueshift LESep 7, 201823:53Lurkers
Hatch First
Hellion Opening
Bio Tank
Reaper Expand
ggSep 7, 201818:00WinHatch First
Bio Tank
Reaper Expand
ForRavixKawaiianAug 26, 201815:04WinLiberator Opening
Bio Tank
Blink Stalkers
Double Forge
1 Gate Expand
33112Aug 27, 201823:04WinBio Tank
Reaper Expand
Hatch First
NOOOOOKS!!!!Aug 16, 201823:52WinHatch First
Liberator Opening
Bio Tank
Reaper Expand
for neuro cast and adviceAug 6, 201823:26Hatch First
Bio Tank
强酸工厂 - 天梯版 (87)Aug 24, 201811:57WinHellion Opening
Bio Tank
Reaper Expand
Hatch First
强酸工厂 - 天梯版 (76)Aug 22, 201813:02WinHellion Opening
Bio Tank
Reaper Expand
Hatch First
Lost and Found LE (71)Aug 17, 201814:36WinMuta Ling Bane
Hatch First
Cyclone Opening
Bio Tank
Reaper Expand
dassssdAug 18, 201816:14WinHatch First
Bio Tank
Reaper Expand
Need HelpAug 16, 201816:57WinBio Tank
Reaper Expand
Hatch First
zvt back to 300 apm first hydra bane clear winJul 31, 201811:57Hatch First
Bio Tank
Reaper Expand
ggtracker_140314Aug 16, 201812:18WinBio Tank
Hatch First
2018-08-11 - (Z)Jardozer VS (T)JasonJasonAug 11, 201816:03WinHatch First
Liberator Opening
Bio Tank
Reaper Expand
Acid Plant LE (2) - zvt - L - banshee into bio tankAug 2, 201810:57WinHatch First
Hellion Banshee
Bio Tank
Reaper Expand
FuryCat v Starman - Lost and Found LEAug 8, 201829:40Bio Tank
Hatch First
╖╬╜║╞« ╛╪ ╞─┐ε╡σ - ╖í┤⌡ (40)INnoVationJul 25, 201816:09WinCyclone Opening
Bio Tank
Cyclone Opening
Bio Tank
Catalyst LE (TvZ) Bio, ling Queen to Hydra Ultra spawning tool to 7 minAug 2, 201810:47Hatch First
Bio Tank
Reaper Expand
Catalyst LE (12)Jul 31, 201813:29WinHellion Banshee
Bio Tank
Reaper Expand
Hatch First
Denver v soul: Game 3 - Dreamcatcher LEDenversouLJul 12, 201813:23Pool First
Hellion Banshee
Bio Tank
Reaper Expand
Gas First Reaper Expand
Bly v Optimus: Game 4 - Lost and Found LEBlyOptimusJul 12, 201820:30WinHellion Banshee
Bio Tank
Reaper Expand
Pool First
InZaNe v SortOf: Game 1 - Lost and Found LEInZaNeSortOfJul 12, 201813:55Hatch First
Hellion Opening
Bio Tank
Reaper Expand
Brood Lord Corruptor
DeMusliM v Lambo: Game 1 - Lost and Found LEDeMusliMLamboJul 12, 201813:29WinBio Tank
Reaper Expand
Hatch First