970-542 (1512 Games, 64.15%)

Bio Tank
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Results (Page 1 of 61)

ReplayPlayersDate PlayedGame LengthResultBuild Orders
INnoVation v llIIIllIIIll - Acid Plant LEINnoVationOct 25, 201813:33Hatch First
Bio Tank
Reaper Expand
Gas First Reaper Expand
Fracture LE (32)Oct 24, 201817:31Pool First
Bio Tank
Reaper Expand
Stropheum v UpATree - Blueshift LEOct 19, 201823:58Hatch First
Bio Tank
Reaper Expand
Fracture LE (90)Oct 20, 201820:32Bio Tank
Reaper Expand
Muta Ling Bane
Hatch First
Medione v Vrajitoru - Lost and Found LEOct 19, 201810:43WinHatch First
Bio Tank
Acid Plant LE (194)Oct 17, 201811:55WinHellion Opening
Bio Tank
Hatch First
Jhony v MaxGio v Michael v MonstroTown - Shrines of LizulSep 25, 201812:08WinZergling Baneling
Muta Ling Bane
Hatch First
Bio Tank
Pool First
CrazyProtoss v Michael v MonstroTown v Thrash - Flooded CitySep 29, 201816:05MMM Bio
Hatch First
Bio Tank
BigGayBob v Cormac v Michael v MonstroTown - Traitor's ExileOct 13, 201812:47WinPhoenix Opening
Bio Tank
Pool First
Catalyst LE (12)Apr 17, 201822:33Hatch First
Bio Tank
Reaper Expand
tvt loss diamond watchOct 5, 201813:02WinCyclone Opening
Bio Tank
chaosChaosOct 6, 201819:37Pool First
Bio Tank
Reaper Expand
Fracture LE (2)Oct 5, 201814:11WinBio Tank
Hatch First
Para Site LE (55)Sep 30, 201826:01WinZealot Archon
Oracle Opening
1 Gate Expand
Bio Tank
Reaper Expand
Chronos v keyser v Odin v VaRiSTA - Shrines of LizulAug 29, 201813:38WinOracle Opening
Bio Tank
Duck v RENDER - Blueshift LESep 21, 201814:10Hatch First
Bio Tank
HeroMarine v TIME: Game 3 - Dreamcatcher LEHeroMarineOliveiraSep 9, 201816:10WinBanshee Rush
Bio Tank
Bio Tank
Reynor v TIME: Game 1 - Para Site LEOliveiraReynorSep 9, 201813:27Pool First
Liberator Opening
Bio Tank
Reaper Expand
Reynor v uThermaL: Game 2 - Cerulean Fall LEReynoruThermalSep 9, 201825:44Hellion Banshee
Bio Tank
Reaper Expand
Hatch First
Denver v uThermaL: Game 5 - Blueshift LEDenveruThermalSep 8, 201817:18WinPool First
Liberator Opening
Bio Tank
Reaper Expand
Denver v uThermaL: Game 2 - Acid Plant LEDenveruThermalSep 8, 201811:17WinHellion Banshee
Bio Tank
Reaper Expand
Pool First
HeroMarine v Semper: Game 1 - Fracture LEHeroMarineSemperSep 8, 201812:22WinCyclone Opening
Bio Tank
Cyclone Opening
Bio Tank
Stephano v TIME: Macro GameOliveiraStephanoSep 7, 201819:11Bio Tank
Reaper Expand
Hatch First
HeroMarine v Silky: Game 5 - Acid Plant LEHeroMarineSilkySep 7, 201812:03WinHellion Opening
Bio Tank
Reaper Expand
Hatch First
HeroMarine v Silky: Game 4 - Lost and Found LEHeroMarineSilkySep 7, 201818:21WinHellion Opening
Bio Tank
Reaper Expand
Hatch First
Gas First Reaper Expand