365-255 (620 Games, 58.87%)

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Results (Page 16 of 25)

ReplayPlayersDate PlayedGame LengthResultBuild Orders
2 - ByuN vs herO - [TLMC15] Curious MindsByuNherOOct 22, 202110:33Blink Stalkers
Cyclone Opening
1 - ByuN vs herO - [TLMC15] HardwireByuNherOOct 22, 202113:29Win1 Gate Expand
Chargelot Immortal
Blink Stalkers
1 - Curious_Minds_LEByuNMaxPaxOct 22, 202112:16WinCyclone Opening
Colossus Rush
Blink Stalkers
4 - 2000_Atmospheres_LE_28ByuNMaxPaxOct 22, 202111:13WinCyclone Opening
Colossus Rush
Blink Stalkers
2 - [TLMC15] BerlingradByuNNeebOct 21, 202110:53Win1 Gate Expand
1 - 2000 Atmospheres LEByuNNeebOct 21, 20218:17Win1 Gate Expand
Blink Stalkers
1 - [TLMC15] BerlingradByuNMarineLorDOct 21, 202111:27Cyclone Opening
3 - Pride of Altaris LEByuNMarineLorDOct 21, 20218:07WinReaper Expand
2 - 2000 Atmospheres LEByuNMarineLorDOct 21, 20216:38Win
Astrea_vs_Byun_1x (2)AstreaByuNSep 3, 202116:551 Gate Expand
Colossus Rush
Blink Stalkers
Champions Brawl GF ByuN vs Clem game 5ByuNClemApr 25, 20214:53Gas First Reaper Expand
Hellion Opening
Champions Brawl GF ByuN vs Clem game 6ByuNClemApr 25, 202117:11
ByuN v DRG: Game 2 - Pillars of Gold LEByuNDRGMar 12, 202116:26Hellion Banshee
Hatch First
Muta Ling Bane
ByuN v DRG: Game 3 - Lightshade LEByuNDRGMar 12, 202110:04Command Center First (CC)
Hatch First
ByuN v DRG: Game 1 - Deathaura LEByuNDRGMar 12, 202120:17Command Center First (CC)
Pool First
Muta Ling Bane
ByuN v DPGRogue: Game 2 - Oxide LEByuNRogueMar 12, 202112:47Hatch First
Liberator Opening
ByuN v DPGRogue: Game 1 - Deathaura LEByuNRogueMar 12, 20219:58Hatch First
Muta Ling Bane
Command Center First (CC)
ByuN v LiquidClem: Game 2 - 필러스 오브 골드 - 래더ByuNClemMar 11, 202112:41WinReaper Expand
ByuN v LiquidClem: Game 1 - 라이트쉐이드 - 래더ByuNClemMar 11, 202112:27WinCyclone Opening
ByuN v LiquidMaNa: Game 2 - Deathaura LEByuNMaNaMar 11, 20212:57
ByuN v LiquidMaNa: Game 1 - Oxide LEByuNMaNaMar 11, 202112:15Win1 Gate Expand
ByuN v LiquidMaNa: Game 3 - Lightshade LEByuNMaNaMar 11, 20217:50Win1 Gate Expand
Zealot Archon
Dark Templar Rush
Blink Stalkers
[TvT] ByuN vs LiquidClem Pillars of Gold LEByuNClemFeb 6, 202115:45Gas First Reaper Expand
[TvT] ByuN vs LiquidClem Oxide LEByuNClemFeb 6, 20216:44Gas First Reaper Expand
ByuN v Dream: Game 3 - Deathaura LEByuNDreamFeb 20, 202115:24Gas First Reaper Expand