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Results (Page 9 of 18)

ReplayPlayersDate PlayedGame Length
HolyHit v xKawaiian: Game 1 - Winter's Gate LEHolyHitxKawaiianSep 6, 20199:25
Bioice v DisK: Game 2 - Disco Bloodbath LEBioiceDisKSep 6, 20199:57
BackupN v Epic: Game 2 - Ephemeron LEEpicSep 6, 201911:29
Gerald v Lemon: Game 2 - Thunderbird LEGeraldSep 6, 201917:03
JonSnow v Stephano: Game 1 - Ephemeron LEJonSnowStephanoSep 6, 20197:31
Epic v PappiJoe: Game 1 - Thunderbird LEEpicPappiJoeSep 6, 20197:29
Taldan v Ziggy: Game 2 - Disco Bloodbath LEZiggySep 6, 20193:27
Bioice v Caerwyn: Game 1 - Ephemeron LEBioiceCaerwynSep 6, 20198:58
Harstem v Lambo: Game 3 - Acropolis LEHarstemLamboSep 6, 201914:13
TheoRy v uThermal: Game 1 - Triton LETheoRyuThermalSep 6, 20196:58
Dolan v Silky: Game 2 - Ephemeron LEDolanSilkySep 6, 201921:29
drumhead v Taldan: Game 2 - Thunderbird LESep 6, 20197:12
Denver v Ziggy: Game 1 - Disco Bloodbath LEDenverZiggySep 6, 20197:33
FoxeR v puCK: Game 2 - Acropolis LEFoxeRNinaSep 6, 20196:44
Kelazhur v uThermal: Game 4 - Disco Bloodbath LEKelazhuruThermalSep 6, 201911:20
Cham v SpeCial: Game 2 - World of Sleepers LEChamSpeCialSep 6, 201917:48
BackupJ v FoxeR: Game 1 - Thunderbird LEFoxeRSep 6, 201920:22
Has v Serral: Game 1 - Thunderbird LEHasSerralSep 6, 20199:10
Cyan v Lambo: Game 2 - Acropolis LECyanLamboSep 6, 20199:43
Lemon v souL: Game 1 - Thunderbird LEsouLSep 6, 20197:44
Denver v JonSnow: Game 1 - Disco Bloodbath LEDenverJonSnowSep 6, 20196:55
Clem v Rob: Game 1 - Winter's Gate LEClemRobSep 6, 201914:11
PengWin v Probe: Game 3 - Disco Bloodbath LEPengWinProbeSep 6, 201926:53
Caerwyn v tso: Game 2 - World of Sleepers LECaerwynSep 6, 201916:50
Semper v TheoRy: Game 2 - Triton LESemperTheoRySep 6, 201912:17