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Results (Page 7 of 1776)

ReplayPlayersDate PlayedGame LengthResultBuild Orders
PvZ - P2vG2 - Ley Lines (33)Dec 29, 202414:40Hatch First
1 Gate Expand
Zealot Archon
TvP - G1vG2 Whispers of Gold (39)Dec 29, 20248:32
PvT - G2vP3 - Whispers of Gold (39)Dec 29, 202411:231 Gate Expand
PvT - G2vG1 - Storms - Ley Lines (33)Dec 29, 202423:041 Gate Expand
Zealot Archon
Dark Templar Rush
PvT - G2vP3 - L - Whispers of Gold (39)Dec 29, 202413:141 Gate Expand
Dark Templar Rush
Command Center First
Ultralove (9)ClemherODec 17, 20246:391 Gate Expand
Blink Stalkers
Phoenix Opening
Ultralove (7)ClemherODec 16, 20249:22Phoenix Opening
Liberator Opening
Ley Lines (43)Dec 28, 20249:241 Gate Expand
Nexus First
Zealot Archon
Frostline LE (2) my zerg vs heroherODec 9, 20247:051 Gate Expand
Oracle Opening
Hatch First
MUGRERODec 26, 202417:09Chargelot Immortal
happy cristmasDec 25, 202443:56Oracle Opening
gumiho v LiquidClem - Abyssal Reef LEClemGuMihoDec 1, 20248:441 Gate Expand
Blink Stalkers
Cyclone Opening
gumiho v LiquidClem - AmygdalaClemGuMihoDec 1, 202412:51Cyclone Opening
1 Gate Expand
Blink Stalkers
gumiho v LiquidClem - Frostline LEClemGuMihoDec 1, 20249:47Gas First Reaper Expand
1 Gate Expand
Blink Stalkers
gumiho v LiquidClem - Ley LinesClemGuMihoDec 1, 20248:17Cyclone Opening
1 Gate Expand
Zealot Archon
Blink Stalkers
gumiho v LiquidClem - Abyssal Reef LEClemGuMihoDec 1, 202426:191 Gate Expand
Blink Stalkers
LiquidClem v SZNightMare - King's Cove LEClemNightMareDec 1, 20249:201 Gate Expand
Oracle Opening
Reaper Expand
LiquidClem v SZNightMare - Ley LinesClemNightMareDec 1, 20246:47Blink Stalkers
Cyclone Opening
LiquidClem v SZNightMare - Whispers of GoldClemNightMareDec 1, 202411:54Reaper Expand
1 Gate Expand
Blink Stalkers
Harstem v Jumy - AmygdalaForJumyHarstemNov 30, 20245:59Blink Stalkers
Phoenix Opening
Harstem v Jumy - Frostline LEForJumyHarstemNov 30, 20248:08Blink Stalkers
Oracle Opening
Blink Stalkers
Phoenix Opening
Harstem v Serral - Ley LinesHarstemSerralNov 30, 202411:091 Gate Expand
Blink Stalkers
Oracle Opening
Hatch First
Roach Hydra
Harstem v Serral - Abyssal Reef LEHarstemSerralNov 30, 20248:561 Gate Expand
Oracle Opening
Hatch First
Jumy v LiquidElazer - Whispers of GoldElazerForJumyNov 30, 202411:35Hatch First
Jumy v LiquidElazer - Abyssal Reef LEElazerForJumyNov 30, 20246:551 Gate Expand
Oracle Opening
Hatch First