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Results (Page 4 of 14)

ReplayPlayersDate PlayedGame Length
Clem v Serral: Game 4 - [ESL] Inside and OutClemSerralOct 16, 202218:20
Clem v ShoWTimE: Game 1 - [ESL] Inside and OutClemOct 15, 202219:28
Reynor v Serral: Game 2 - [ESL] Inside and OutReynorSerralOct 15, 202215:18
ShoWTimE v SKillous: Game 3 - [ESL] Inside and OutSKillousOct 15, 20226:30
Clem v HeroMarine: Game 3 - [ESL] Inside and OutClemHeroMarineOct 15, 202219:36
Serral v SKillous: Game 3 - [ESL] Inside and OutSerralSKillousOct 14, 20225:30
GunGFuBanDa v ShoWTimE: Game 1 - [ESL] Inside and OutGunGFuBanDaOct 14, 202210:00
Clem v MaxPax: Game 1 - [ESL] Inside and OutClemMaxPaxOct 14, 202213:27
GunGFuBanDa v Krystianer: Game 4 - [ESL] Inside and OutGunGFuBanDaKrystianerOct 13, 202222:45
ShoWTimE v Spirit: Game 2 - [ESL] Inside and OutSpiritOct 13, 202222:27
Clem v GunGFuBanDa: Game 3 - [ESL] Inside and OutClemGunGFuBanDaOct 2, 202214:44
Harstem v NightPhoenix: Game 2 - [ESL] Inside and OutHarstemNightPhoenixOct 1, 202210:37
goblin v GunGFuBanDa: Game 3 - [ESL] Inside and OutgoblinGunGFuBanDaOct 1, 20227:58
ArT v MaxPax: Game 2 - [ESL] Inside and OutArTMaxPaxSep 30, 20228:53
Clem v milkicow: Game 2 - [ESL] Inside and OutClemSep 30, 202219:11
goblin v milkicow: Game 3 - [ESL] Inside and OutgoblinOct 9, 202215:53
GunGFuBanDa v MaxPax: Game 1 - [ESL] Inside and OutGunGFuBanDaMaxPaxOct 9, 202214:59
GunGFuBanDa v milkicow: Game 3 - [ESL] Inside and OutGunGFuBanDaOct 6, 202211:00
ArT v goblin: Game 1 - [ESL] Inside and OutArTgoblinOct 8, 202212:09
Harstem v MaxPax: Game 1 - [ESL] Inside and OutHarstemMaxPaxOct 8, 20225:25
Clem v MaxPax: Game 1 - [ESL] Inside and OutClemMaxPaxOct 7, 202221:58
GunGFuBanDa v NightPhoenix: Game 3 - [ESL] Inside and OutGunGFuBanDaNightPhoenixOct 5, 20225:45
Clem v goblin: Game 2 - [ESL] Inside and OutClemgoblinOct 5, 20223:54
MaxPax v NightPhoenix: Game 2 - [ESL] Inside and OutMaxPaxNightPhoenixOct 2, 202210:05
goblin v Harstem: Game 3 - [ESL] Inside and OutgoblinHarstemOct 2, 20229:09