286-286 (572 Games, 50.00%)

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Results (Page 14 of 23)

ReplayPlayersDate PlayedGame LengthResultBuild Orders
BratOK v SKillous: Game 3 - Oxide LEBrat_OKSKillousMay 19, 20217:29Win1 Gate Expand
Colossus Rush
Blink Stalkers
BratOK v SKillous: Game 2 - 2000 Atmospheres LEBrat_OKSKillousMay 19, 202113:531 Gate Expand
Blink Stalkers
BratOK v SKillous: Game 1 - Romanticide LEBrat_OKSKillousMay 19, 20218:06Win1 Gate Expand
Blink Stalkers
milkicow v SKillous: Game 2 - 2000 Atmospheres LEMilkiCowSKillousMay 30, 202113:25Win1 Gate Expand
Blink Stalkers
milkicow v SKillous: Game 1 - Romanticide LEMilkiCowSKillousMay 30, 202115:28WinBanshee Rush
1 Gate Expand
Zealot Archon
Phoenix Opening
ShoWTimE v SKillous: Game 2 - Romanticide LEShoWTimESKillousMay 28, 20218:54Phoenix Opening
Zealot Archon
Dark Templar Rush
ShoWTimE v SKillous: Game 1 - 2000 Atmospheres LEShoWTimESKillousMay 28, 202110:06
HeroMarine v SKillous: Game 3 - Oxide LEHeroMarineSKillousMay 27, 20215:431 Gate Expand
Oracle Opening
Phoenix Opening
Reaper Expand
HeroMarine v SKillous: Game 2 - 2000 Atmospheres LEHeroMarineSKillousMay 27, 202113:33WinReaper Expand
Mass Phoenix
Phoenix Opening
HeroMarine v SKillous: Game 1 - Lightshade LEHeroMarineSKillousMay 27, 202111:27Reaper Expand
1 Gate Expand
Zealot Archon
Blink Stalkers
Geralt v SKillous: Game 3 - Jagannatha LEGeraldSKillousMay 25, 202110:47WinZealot Archon
Dark Templar Rush
Blink Stalkers
Geralt v SKillous: Game 2 - 2000 Atmospheres LEGeraldSKillousMay 25, 20219:35WinZealot Archon
Blink Stalkers
Geralt v SKillous: Game 1 - Romanticide LEGeraldSKillousMay 25, 20217:51
DPGZest v SKillous: Game 2 - Pillars of Gold LESKillousZestMar 12, 20215:25Blink Stalkers
DPGZest v SKillous: Game 1 - Deathaura LESKillousZestMar 12, 202112:22Blink Stalkers
INnoVation v SKillous: Game 2 - Deathaura LEINnoVationSKillousMar 12, 20216:421 Gate Expand
Colossus Rush
Phoenix Opening
INnoVation v SKillous: Game 3 - Romanticide LEINnoVationSKillousMar 12, 202113:171 Gate Expand
Blink Stalkers
INnoVation v SKillous: Game 4 - Jagannatha LEINnoVationSKillousMar 12, 20217:441 Gate Expand
Colossus Rush
INnoVation v SKillous: Game 1 - Submarine LEINnoVationSKillousMar 12, 20214:13WinReaper Expand
Proxy Void Ray
Phoenix Opening
cure v SKillous: Game 1 - Romanticide LECureSKillousMar 11, 202110:431 Gate Expand
Zealot Archon
Dark Templar Rush
Reaper Expand
cure v SKillous: Game 2 - Pillars of Gold LECureSKillousMar 11, 202117:18Reaper Expand
1 Gate Expand
Zealot Archon
Oracle Opening
Phoenix Opening
Geralt v SKillous: Game 2 - Romanticide LEGeraldSKillousMar 11, 202120:06WinBlink Stalkers
Geralt v SKillous: Game 1 - Deathaura LEGeraldSKillousMar 11, 20219:24Win
Lambo v SKillous: Game 2 - Oxide LELamboSKillousMar 11, 20219:441 Gate Expand
Oracle Opening
Hatch First
Lambo v SKillous: Game 3 - Jagannatha LELamboSKillousMar 11, 20219:59WinHatch First
Swarm Host
1 Gate Expand
Archon Immortal
Oracle Opening