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Results (Page 1 of 32)

ReplayPlayersDate PlayedGame Length
Probe v Rogue: Game 2 - Eternal Empire LEProbeRogueSep 17, 202010:20
Future v PiLiPiLi: Game 1 - Pillars of Gold LEFuturePiLiPiLiSep 6, 202010:01
Cham v SpeCial: Game 5 - Deathaura LEChamSpeCialAug 30, 202015:07
LiquidClem v PtitDrogo: Game 2 - Eternal Empire LEClemPtitDrogoSep 11, 202012:48
LiquidTLO v PiLiPiLi: Game 2 - Eternal Empire LEPiLiPiLiTLOSep 1, 20207:57
AqueroN v Denver: Game 2 - Deathaura LEAqueroNDenverSep 2, 20204:07
DnS v Garitos: Game 1 - Deathaura LEDnSGaritosSep 4, 202013:42
Darkness v JimRising: Game 1 - Deathaura LEDarknessJimRisingAug 27, 202012:46
Rex v 黑羽快斗: Game 2 - Ever Dream LEButAlwaysRexAug 26, 20208:59
Yoger v 黑羽快斗: Game 3 - Eternal Empire LEButAlwaysYoGerAug 28, 202021:59
Future v LiquidTLO: Game 2 - Eternal Empire LEFutureTLOSep 4, 202013:13
Couguar v SouLeer: Game 1 - Deathaura LECouguarSouLeerAug 27, 202013:52
Future v MCanning: Game 3 - Ever Dream LEFutureMCanningSep 10, 202016:08
MarineLorD v Van: Game 2 - Deathaura LEMarineLorDVanyaSep 9, 20203:56
GogojOey v Has: Game 3 - Deathaura LEGogojOeyHasAug 26, 20206:09
BlyOnFire v Reynor: Game 2 - Ever Dream LEBlyReynorSep 3, 20202:35
LiquidClem v Reynor: Game 1 - Submarine LEClemReynorSep 12, 202012:00
Cuddlebear v Vindicta: Game 3 - Ice and Chrome LECuddlebearVindictaSep 1, 202028:27
HeroMarine v PtitDrogo: Game 3 - Eternal Empire LEHeroMarinePtitDrogoSep 8, 202013:58
Couguar v SKillous: Game 1 - Deathaura LECouguarSKillousSep 3, 202018:03
Denver v SortOf: Game 2 - Ever Dream LEDenverSortOfSep 4, 202010:19
AfreecaDRG v Stats: Game 6 - Eternal Empire LEDRGStatsSep 16, 20208:06
AfreecaDRG v Stats: Game 5 - Golden Wall LEDRGStatsSep 16, 202018:26
MCanning v Nina: Game 3 - Pillars of Gold LEMCanningNinaSep 11, 202017:42
LiquidClem v Serral: Game 5 - Pillars of Gold LEClemSerralSep 19, 20207:03