

Results (Page 42 of 86)


Build Orders




ReplayPlayersDate PlayedGame Length
ShoWTimE v uwuThermal - Ice and Chrome LEShoWTimEuThermalAug 15, 202010:50
PvT Macro 3 base timing attack KrystianerJul 24, 20209:45
ToIsengard v uwuThermal - Ever Dream LEuThermalAug 8, 202026:23
Trying traps buildAug 8, 202012:05
A.I. 1 (Very Easy) v DieCesar - Deathaura LEAug 7, 20209:35
Eternal Empire LE (160)Aug 2, 20207:31
Deathaura_LE_24AstreaCuddlebearJul 16, 202010:24
Podwodny_Swiat_ER_77KrystianerJul 23, 202010:43
RetZard v Tassad - Eternal Empire LEJul 4, 20209:47
Cyan v TIME: Game 2 - 黄金之柱-天梯版CyanOliveiraJul 5, 202010:02
Probe v Seither: Game 4 - Golden Wall LEProbeSeitherJun 27, 202015:33
Azure v Probe: Game 1 - Pillars of Gold LEAzureProbeJun 24, 202013:05
Probe v Seither: Game 3 - Ever Dream LEProbeSeitherJun 24, 20209:49
Probe v Seither: Game 2 - Pillars of Gold LEProbeSeitherJun 24, 202012:27
Astrea v Neeb: Game 2 - Golden Wall LEAstreaNeebJul 12, 20208:47
jheffe v Nina: Game 1 - Ever Dream LEjheffeNinaJun 30, 20206:55
Future v Nina: Game 1 - Eternal Empire LEFutureNinaJul 3, 202011:04
Future v Nina: Game 3 - Pillars of Gold LEFutureNinaJul 3, 202013:59
Future v Nina: Game 2 - Golden Wall LEFutureNinaJul 3, 202022:13
Astrea v Future: Game 2 - Pillars of Gold LEAstreaFutureJul 1, 202012:42
Future v Semper: Game 2 - Pillars of Gold LEFutureSemperJul 2, 20207:35
Nina v Vindicta: Game 2 - Pillars of Gold LENinaVindictaJul 2, 202022:16
ExpecT v Nice: Game 2 - Eternal Empire LEExpecTNiceJun 24, 202010:27
ExpecT v Nice: Game 2 - Eternal Empire LEExpecTNiceJun 28, 202023:09
HeroMarine v Trap: Game 3 - Pillars of Gold LEHeroMarineTrapJul 18, 202011:00