

Results (Page 17 of 32)


Build Orders




ReplayPlayersDate PlayedGame Length
Q2 - TLO vs Jheffe - G2 - Pillars of Gold LEjheffeTLOOct 15, 202011:13
Q2 - PiLiPiLi vs starkiller - G2 - Pillars of Gold LEPiLiPiListarkillerOct 15, 20209:34
Q2 - DisK vs JonSnow - G1 - Pillars of Gold LEDisKJonSnowOct 15, 20209:46
Q1 - Namshar vs DisK - G3 - Pillars of Gold LEDisKNamsharOct 13, 202013:08
Q1 - Future vs JonSnow - G1 - Pillars of Gold LEFutureJonSnowOct 13, 20209:48
Q3 - eGGz vs nanO - G3 - Pillars of Gold LEeGGzNanOOct 18, 202010:01
Q2 - Pacomike vs eGGz - G3 - Pillars of Gold LEeGGzPacomikeOct 16, 202013:11
Q1 - JimRising vs Darkness - G2 - Pillars of Gold LEDarknessJimRisingOct 14, 202012:15
Q1 - eGGz vs Erik - G2 - Pillars of Gold LEeGGzErikOct 14, 202012:43
Q2 - GogojOey vs ExpecT - G2 - Pillars of Gold LEExpecTGogojOeyOct 15, 20207:04
Q3 - MilkiCow vs SortOf - G3 - Pillars of Gold LEMilkiCowSortOfOct 18, 202018:20
Q2 - Ziggy vs Moja - G5 - Pillars of Gold LEMojaZiggyOct 16, 20204:40
Q2 - Rotterdam vs SouLeer - G3 - Pillars of Gold LERotterdaMSouLeerOct 16, 20205:51
Q2 - Krystianer vs Rail - G5 - Pillars of Gold LEKrystianerRailOct 16, 202024:24
Q2 - Arctur vs AqueroN - G2 - Pillars of Gold LEAqueroNArcturOct 16, 20207:14
Q1 - Spatz vs Hellraiser - G3 - Pillars of Gold LEHellraiserSpatzOct 14, 202018:10
Q1 - souL vs Arctur - G4 - Pillars of Gold LEArctursouLOct 14, 20208:37
Q1 - ShaDoWn vs Harstem - G3 - Pillars of Gold LEHarstemShaDoWnOct 14, 20204:59
Q1 - MaxPax vs Vanya - G2 - Pillars of Gold LEMaxPaxVanyaOct 14, 202014:49
Q1 - Lambo vs Kas - G3 - Pillars of Gold LEKasLamboOct 14, 202015:28
Q1 - goblin vs KingCobra - G4 - Pillars of Gold LEgoblinKingCobraOct 14, 202010:48
Q1 - Bly vs ArT - G5 - Pillars of Gold LEArTBlyOct 14, 20209:55
Pillars of Gold LENov 15, 202011:41
Pillars of Gold LE (7)Nov 17, 202017:31
Pillars of Gold LE (6)Nov 17, 20204:12