534-432 (966 Games, 55.28%)

Mass Adepts
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Results (Page 38 of 39)

ReplayPlayersDate PlayedGame LengthResultBuild Orders
AgCl v TOY - Vallée des cactus ECJun 5, 20156:15WinPhoenix Opening
Phoenix Opening
Mass Adepts
AgCl v Galater - Forteresse de fer ECMay 19, 20158:47Oracle Opening
Oracle Opening
Mass Adepts
398934May 2, 20154:49WinProxy 2 Gate Adepts
4 Gate Adept
Manderda v Tooth - Cactus Valley LE (Void)May 10, 201512:06Mass Adepts
Hatch First
Kyo v RazerBlader - Lerilak CrestMay 3, 20158:45Win3 Hatch before Pool
4 Gate Adept
GimliTerran v Kyo - Echo LE (Void)iaguzMay 3, 20157:56Win4 Gate Adept
Reaper Expand
Geiko v neuro - Lerilak CrestNeuroMay 13, 20155:13Win4 Gate Adept
Mass Adepts
Dark Templar Rush
Hatch First
Geiko v NightEnD - Echo LE (Void)NightEnDMay 4, 20157:50Win4 Gate Adept
Mass Adepts
Mass Adepts
Geiko v NightEnD - Coda LE (Void)NightEnDMay 2, 20155:45Win4 Gate Adept
Mass Adepts
Mass Adepts
Geiko v Machine - Lerilak CrestMachineMay 11, 20155:37Win4 Gate Adept
Mass Adepts
Hatch First
Geiko v ViBE: 4 Gate AdeptViBEMay 14, 201513:00Win4 Gate Adept
Mass Adepts
Dark Templar Rush
Roach Zergling
Hatch First
Geiko v TOP - Lerilak CrestTOPMay 14, 20159:48Win4 Gate Adept
Reaper Expand
Mass Adepts
Bop v NightEnD - Echo LE (Void)BopNightEnDMay 3, 201510:131 Gate Expand
Mass Adepts
Hatch First
Bones v Bop - Ruins of SerasBonesBopMay 1, 20157:40WinNexus First
Mass Adepts
Hatch First
Swarm Host
Bop v Geeden - Orbital ShipyardBopMay 7, 20155:10WinMass Adepts
Nexus First
Hatch First
Bop v Graphix - Orbital ShipyardBopMay 6, 20155:17WinHatch First
Mass Adepts
Nexus First
Bop v Matiz - Orbital ShipyardBopMay 6, 20158:20Hatch First
Mass Adepts
Nexus First
Bop v Tarrantius - Orbital ShipyardBopMay 6, 20156:11Oracle Opening
Mass Adepts
Oracle Opening
Bop v Sunshine - Orbital ShipyardBopMay 6, 20156:03Win3 Hatch before Pool
Mass Adepts
Nexus First
Bop v cDgGoatdrop - Orbital ShipyardBopMay 4, 20155:41WinRobo Opening
Mass Adepts
Mass Adepts
Bop v ChefSanji - Orbital ShipyardBopMay 3, 20157:05WinHatch First
Mass Adepts
Bones v Bop v Dewsky v Rallos - Orbital ShipyardBonesBopMay 2, 20157:51WinMass Adepts
Nexus First
BadBorz v Bop - Iron Fortress LE (Void)BopMay 4, 20156:45Blink Stalkers
Mass Adepts
Bop v Geeden - Echo LE (Void)BopMay 7, 201511:50Hatch First
Mass Adepts
Nexus First
Bop v ChefSanji - Echo LE (Void)BopMay 4, 201510:26WinCommand Center First (CC)
Mass Adepts