534-432 (966 Games, 55.28%)

Mass Adepts
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Results (Page 30 of 39)

ReplayPlayersDate PlayedGame LengthResultBuild Orders
DukeNukem v IIIIIIIIIIII v Rome v Tenonee - Magma MinesJul 26, 201612:46Hatch First
Mass Adepts
Oracle Opening
Hatch First
Hatch First
HyperBolic v McFukitts v SMTM v Tenonee - Fields of DeathJul 27, 201618:26Liberator Opening
Hatch First
Dark Templar Rush
Mass Adepts
husband v Tenonee - Galactic Process LEJul 29, 20164:39WinMass Adepts
Neeb v uThermal: Game 4 - Apotheosis LENeebuThermalJul 30, 201610:51Phoenix Opening
Oracle Opening
Cyclone Opening
Banshee Rush
Mass Adepts
Neeb v TooDming: Game 3 - Apotheosis LENeebTooDmingJul 27, 20167:25WinMass Adepts
1 Gate Expand
3 Hatch before Pool
Miszu v Snake - Ruins of EndionMiszuApr 3, 201625:23WinLurkers
3 Hatch before Pool
Mass Adepts
1 Gate Expand
DarthBane v Miszu - Prion TerracesMiszuApr 8, 201611:38WinMass Adepts
1 Gate Expand
Hatch First
llllllllllll v Miszu - Prion TerracesMiszuApr 8, 20169:02WinRoach Nydus
Hatch First
Mass Adepts
1 Gate Expand
Miszu v Razza - Prion TerracesMiszuApr 3, 201617:57WinMass Adepts
1 Gate Expand
Zergling Baneling
Hatch First
Miszu v YoshI - Orbital ShipyardMiszuMar 25, 20169:23Mass Adepts
MeTabee v Miszu - Dusk TowersMiszuApr 8, 201610:21WinMass Adepts
1 Gate Expand
Hatch First
Miszu v Mutex - Dusk TowersMiszuApr 3, 201613:15WinMass Adepts
1 Gate Expand
Hatch First
jumanjii v Miszu - Ruins of EndionMay 17, 20167:40Mass Adepts
1 Gate Expand
FeaR v Miszu - Orbital ShipyardFeaRFeb 10, 201610:36MMM Bio
Command Center First (CC)
Mass Adepts
1 Gate Expand
llllllllllll v Miszu - Orbital ShipyardFeb 5, 201610:35MMM Bio
Mass Adepts
Miszu v TMN - Frozen TempleMay 26, 20169:06MMM Bio
Reaper Expand
Mass Adepts
Miszu v TMN - Dusk TowersApr 17, 20166:24Mass Adepts
Command Center First (CC)
llllllllllll v Miszu - Dusk TowersApr 9, 20167:17Mass Adepts
1 Gate Expand
Command Center First (CC)
Chabby v Miszu - Dusk TowersApr 4, 201617:41WinCommand Center First (CC)
Mass Adepts
Dark Templar Rush
LiquidTLO, Welmu ZvP King Sejong Station LETLOWelmuJul 4, 20166:45Pool First
Mass Adepts
blackxored v Icone - Frozen TempleJun 26, 201612:52WinMass Adepts
1 Gate Expand
Hatch First
blc v Dem v Jhyrachy v JohnRipley v LEBEN v Leoreign v raider v Zarathustra - Zona del VuotoApr 26, 201619:07Mass Adepts
Cannon Rush
Hatch First
Pool First
Guillemot v Jhyrachy v László v Mørtebianca - Wolfe IndustriesDec 17, 201511:45Mass Adepts
Nexus First
Hatch First
Hatch First
Jhyrachy v LaWeedaLoca v Mørtebianca v Razer v SkøArts v ßØrnǂBim - Rupi ghiacciateDec 17, 20157:03WinHellion Opening
Pool First
Mass Adepts
Hatch First
enlar v Harv v Jhyrachy v johnyy v Paladin v RaptorSnip v ronnel v Stargamer - Fortezza segretaDec 26, 201517:18Mass Adepts
Hatch First
Hatch First