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Results (Page 28 of 32)

ReplayPlayersDate PlayedGame Length
Garitos v Van: Game 2 - Deathaura LEGaritosVanyaAug 26, 202014:27
Reynor v Serral: Game 5 - Submarine LEReynorSerralSep 13, 202011:31
GOStephano v uwuThermal: Game 3 - Eternal Empire LEStephanouThermalSep 9, 20208:50
Astrea v Scarlett: Game 4 - Golden Wall LEAstreaScarlettSep 9, 20209:10
LiquidClem v LiquidMaNa: Game 1 - Ice and Chrome LEClemMaNaAug 30, 202015:43
Asuna v Silky: Game 2 - Pillars of Gold LEAsunaSilkySep 10, 202018:32
iGMacSed v 夜蝶蝶蝶蝶蝶蝶蝶: Game 1 - 黄金之柱-天梯版FireflyMacSedSep 3, 202025:36
DisK v Silky: Game 2 - Ever Dream LEDisKSilkySep 2, 202030:30
LiquidClem v ShoWTimE: Game 2 - Ice and Chrome LEClemShoWTimESep 8, 202013:05
MaSa v Robbie: Game 3 - Ice and Chrome LEMaSaRobSep 5, 20207:21
Has v Nice: Game 2 - Deathaura LEHasNiceAug 30, 20206:28
DisK v Scarlett: Game 2 - Ice and Chrome LEDisKScarlettSep 3, 202013:24
Probe v Seither: Game 2 - Deathaura LEProbeSeitherAug 26, 202017:32
Trap v TYTY: Game 3 - Eternal Empire LETrapTYSep 15, 202011:05
MCanning v Vindicta: Game 1 - Ice and Chrome LEMCanningVindictaSep 1, 202031:34
BlyOnFire v MaxPax: Game 3 - Ever Dream LEBlyMaxPaxSep 1, 20205:30
HeroMarine v MarineLorD: Game 1 - Deathaura LEHeroMarineMarineLorDSep 6, 202011:50
Scarlett v Vindicta: Game 1 - Ever Dream LEScarlettVindictaSep 6, 20209:37
Cham v Erik: Game 1 - Ever Dream LEChamErikAug 28, 20209:14
EnDerr v RiSky: Game 2 - Eternal Empire LEEnDerrRiSkyAug 27, 202013:18
LiquidMaNa v MarineLorD: Game 2 - Pillars of Gold LEMaNaMarineLorDSep 10, 202016:11
Reynor v Serral: Game 2 - Ice and Chrome LEReynorSerralSep 13, 202024:51
AfreecaDRG v Stats: Game 1 - Eternal Empire LEDRGStatsSep 16, 202018:27
Kelazhur v Ryu: Game 3 - Deathaura LEKelazhurRyuAug 26, 202011:09
HeroMarine v uwuThermal: Game 1 - Deathaura LEHeroMarineuThermalAug 30, 202010:29