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Results (Page 20 of 1777)

ReplayPlayersDate PlayedGame LengthResultBuild Orders
TvP Updated Build from MigsVindictaSep 22, 202410:191 Gate Expand
Nexus First
Reaper Expand
Amphion LE (51)Sep 22, 202440:36Dark Templar Rush
Cyclone Opening
Sandstorm CE (11)Sep 20, 202412:56Hatch First
Command Center First
Hatch First
Nexus First
Double Forge
Hatch First
Heavy Artillery LE (7)Sep 21, 202417:30Hatch First
Double Forge
TvP Alt Review - Not sure what went wrongSep 18, 202420:04Colossus Rush
Reaper Expand
TvP Alt L 2900 Stuck on End GameSep 17, 202423:53Colossus Rush
Reaper Expand
TvP build with migs Practice #1 Sep 16, 20248:151 Gate Expand
Nexus First
Reaper Expand
TvP build with migsVindictaSep 11, 20248:021 Gate Expand
Nexus First
Reaper Expand
Submarine LEJun 29, 202013:31
Deathaura LEJun 29, 202024:32
Deathaura LE (3)Oct 16, 20204:42
Nightscape LE (9)Jul 23, 202217:50Pool First
Swarm Host
Oracle Opening
Maya vs Baumes g1 AlcyoneAug 28, 20246:39Cyclone Opening
1 Gate Expand
Phoenix Opening
2 gas TvP tank pushAug 10, 20246:41Cyclone Opening
1 Gate Expand
Blink Stalkers
GoldLeaguer v MaxRax - Crimson Court LEAug 28, 202417:27Reaper Expand
2722mmr_ TvP_(Mech vs CannonRush-toMassVoidRays)_14m_simMay 14, 202014:03Mech
Ghost River LE (60) (1)starkillerAug 22, 20249:141 Gate Expand
Blink Stalkers
LetMeTouchIt v PaddyQ - Crimson Court LEAug 2, 202433:36Hatch First
Link v Satoru - Nacht des GrauensSep 11, 202417:37
SC2REPLAYSep 9, 202415:071 Gate Expand
2024-03-24 - (T)Miszu VS (P)IlIlIlIlIlIlMiszuStrangeMar 1, 202413:21Double Forge
1 Gate Expand
Blink Stalkers
2024-03-24 - (P)IlIlIlIlIlIl VS (T)MiszuMar 2, 20249:071 Gate Expand
Colossus Rush
Double Forge
Protoss vs Terraner MediumSep 7, 202429:43
KatUrgitus vs Sughandee Game 1Sep 4, 202416:13Hatch First
Nexus First
Carrier Rush
KatUrgitus vs Sughandee Game 2Sep 5, 202413:22Hatch First
Nexus First
Carrier Rush