730-503 (1233 Games, 59.21%)

Roach Hydra
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Results (Page 15 of 50)

ReplayPlayersDate PlayedGame LengthResultBuild Orders
Platinum 2 - ZvP - Game 1ViBEApr 6, 202113:02Win1 Gate Expand
Hatch First
Roach Hydra
Gold 3 - ZvP - Game 3ViBEMar 20, 202112:45Win1 Gate Expand
Archon Immortal
Double Forge
Hatch First
Roach Hydra
Gold 2 - ZvZ - Game 3ViBEMar 23, 202111:06WinHatch First
Roach Hydra
Hatch First
Gold 1 - ZvP - Game 4ViBEMar 26, 202111:17Win1 Gate Expand
Zealot Archon
Hatch First
Roach Hydra
Gold 1 - ZvP - Game 3ViBEMar 26, 202118:17Win1 Gate Expand
Hatch First
Roach Hydra
Gold 1 - TvZ - Game 2ViBEMar 26, 202116:26WinHatch First
Roach Hydra
Gold 1 - PvZ - Game 5ViBEMar 27, 202110:57Hatch First
Roach Hydra
1 Gate Expand
Archon Immortal
Double Forge
Silver 2 - ZvZ - Game 5ViBEMar 16, 202111:45WinHatch First
Roach Hydra
Pool First
DPGRogue v Stats: Game 4 - Romanticide LERogueStatsMar 14, 202111:26Hatch First
Roach Hydra
1 Gate Expand
Oracle Opening
Lambo v SKillous: Game 1 - Pillars of Gold LELamboSKillousMar 11, 20219:191 Gate Expand
Zealot Archon
Oracle Opening
Hatch First
Roach Hydra
TvZ Holy Rusted Metal BatmanFeb 25, 202119:17Command Center First (CC)
Hatch First
Roach Hydra
Cyan v Scarlett: Game 1 - Romanticide LECyanScarlettFeb 20, 202119:551 Gate Expand
Oracle Opening
Hatch First
Roach Hydra
PartinG v Rogue: Game 1 - Oxide LEPartinGRogueFeb 25, 202110:23Win1 Gate Expand
Carrier Rush
Hatch First
Roach Hydra
ShoWTimE v Solar: Game 3 - Jagannatha LEShoWTimESolarFeb 22, 202144:47WinHatch First
Roach Hydra
1 Gate Expand
Archon Immortal
Oracle Opening
ZvT Gasless Roach BOFeb 5, 202112:04WinReaper Expand
Hatch First
Roach Hydra
光影交错-天梯版 (5)Nov 21, 202018:381 Gate Expand
Oracle Opening
Hatch First
Roach Hydra
Astrea v Solar - Romanticide LEAstreaSolarJan 24, 202111:19WinNexus First
Hatch First
Roach Hydra
Neeb v Solar - 옥사이드 - 래더NeebSolarJan 23, 202110:37WinHatch First
Roach Hydra
Nexus First
Oracle Opening
2021-01-24 - (Z)Luoge VS (P)RiperkoJan 24, 202113:20WinCannon Rush
Pool First
Roach Hydra
Jagannatha LE (10)Jan 22, 202116:18WinHatch First
Roach Hydra
1 Gate Expand
Chargelot Immortal
Oracle Opening
Романтицид РВ (83)Nov 11, 202015:50Hatch First
Roach Hydra
Railgan 2021 ZERG VS PROTOSS - HYDRA LURKER STYLERailganJan 14, 202113:36Win1 Gate Expand
Zealot Archon
Oracle Opening
Hatch First
Roach Hydra
G1 - Jagannatha LESolarTrapJan 16, 202117:13WinHatch First
Roach Hydra
1 Gate Expand
Chargelot Immortal
Oracle Opening
G1 - Deathaura LEPartinGRogueJan 13, 202116:36Win1 Gate Expand
Archon Immortal
Hatch First
Roach Hydra
BROFESTOR v Osiris - Pillars of Gold LEJan 3, 202114:43WinPool First
Roach Hydra
Reaper Expand