

Results (Page 1 of 8)

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ReplayPlayersDate PlayedGame Length
Lambo v Solar - Golden Wall LELamboSolarAug 14, 20203:06
INnoVation v LiquidClem - Deathaura LEClemINnoVationAug 9, 202017:59
Lambo v SortOf: Game 2 - Golden Wall LELamboSortOfJul 31, 202010:21
PtitDrogo v Serral - Pillars of Gold LEPtitDrogoSerralAug 13, 202011:28
INnoVation v Serral: Game 1 - Submarine LEINnoVationSerralAug 2, 202017:38
maru v Reynor - Ever Dream LEMaruReynorAug 16, 202019:50
Neeb v SuperNova - Eternal Empire LENeebSuperNovaAug 9, 202021:49
AfreecaDRG v SpeCial - Golden Wall LEDRGSpeCialAug 16, 202011:11
Bunny v LiquidClem - Submarine LEBunnyClemAug 14, 20209:03
cure v Serral - Deathaura LECureSerralJul 24, 202020:01
Solar v SpeCial - Submarine LESolarSpeCialAug 14, 20209:06
Armani v uwuThermal - Golden Wall LEArmaniuThermalAug 2, 202010:34
Bunny v Dream - Golden Wall LEBunnyDreamAug 14, 202027:10
maru v PtitDrogo - Eternal Empire LEMaruPtitDrogoJul 31, 20208:47
Dear v lllllllllll - 이터널 엠파이어 - 래더DearsOsAug 9, 20205:38
Dream v SuperNova - 서브머린 - 래더DreamSuperNovaAug 7, 20205:49
Armani v Stats - Ice and Chrome LEArmaniStatsAug 2, 202016:25
JinairRogue v TYTY: Game 2 - Deathaura LERogueTYAug 7, 202021:03
DPGPartinG v SpeCial - Ice and Chrome LEPartinGSpeCialAug 16, 202016:45
JinairRogue v soO - Pillars of Gold LERoguesoOJul 31, 202012:37
Dear v Dream - Submarine LEDearDreamAug 16, 20207:40
PartinG v SortOf - Pillars of Gold LEPartinGSortOfAug 13, 202010:34
LiquidMaNa v TIME - Ice and Chrome LEMaNaOliveiraAug 9, 20207:23
ShoWTimE v Stats - Deathaura LEShoWTimEStatsJul 24, 202026:56
HeroMarine v TIME - Submarine LEHeroMarineOliveiraJul 28, 202020:03