

Results (Page 8 of 17)

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ReplayPlayersDate PlayedGame Length
AGOElazer v Lambo - Ice and Chrome LEElazerLamboAug 9, 202012:07
DRG v Lambo - Ice and Chrome LEDRGLamboAug 7, 202019:37
Reynor v SuperNova - Ice and Chrome LEReynorSuperNovaJul 31, 202022:26
LiquidMaNa v SortOf - Ice and Chrome LEMaNaSortOfJul 24, 202014:30
LiquidMaNa v SpeCial - Ice and Chrome LEMaNaSpeCialJul 24, 202012:11
SortOf v SuperNova - Ice and Chrome LESortOfSuperNovaJul 24, 202023:11
AGOElazer v LiquidMaNa - Ice and Chrome LEElazerMaNaAug 9, 202014:04
Armani v LiquidClem - Ice and Chrome LEArmaniClemAug 7, 20209:14
Dear v DPGPartinG: Game 2 - Ice and Chrome LEDearPartinGAug 7, 202012:27
Reynor v Rogue - Ice and Chrome LEReynorRogueAug 14, 20205:01
cure v Reynor - Ice and Chrome LECureReynorJul 31, 202023:34
RagnaroK v SuperNova - Ice and Chrome LESHINSuperNovaJul 31, 20206:34
AGOElazer v Reynor - Ice and Chrome LEElazerReynorAug 14, 20208:28
AfreecaDRG v RagnaroK - Ice and Chrome LEDRGSHINAug 7, 20204:42
AgoElazer v SpeCial - Ice and Chrome LEElazerSpeCialAug 2, 20205:06
Solar v TYTY - Ice and Chrome LESolarTYAug 16, 202020:23
Astrea v YoutubeTY - Ice and Chrome LEAstreaTYAug 14, 202013:16
AfreecaDRG v soO - Ice and Chrome LEDRGsoOAug 14, 202013:51
ShoWTimE v uwuThermal - Ice and Chrome LEShoWTimEuThermalAug 15, 202010:50
Probably the most shortest game I've ever had, chronoboost for the win!Aug 17, 20203:17
Game vs boosted accnt or ai Aug 9, 20206:22
Ice and Chrome LE (126)Aug 14, 202013:04
Ice and Chrome LE (116)Aug 10, 202012:39
Clean Hellbat/thor/tank MechAug 8, 20208:03
Ice and Chrome LE (109)Aug 5, 20201:52