

Results (Page 11 of 17)

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ReplayPlayersDate PlayedGame Length
DisK v Neeb: Game 1 - Ice and Chrome LEDisKNeebJul 4, 202017:02
Namshar v Semper: Game 1 - Ice and Chrome LENamsharSemperJun 30, 202010:25
Has v Nice: Game 3 - Ice and Chrome LEHasNiceJun 28, 20209:46
ExpecT v Rex: Game 1 - Ice and Chrome LEExpecTRexJun 27, 202013:50
Cham v JimRising: Game 1 - Ice and Chrome LEChamJimRisingJun 27, 20209:54
nanO v SpeCial: Game 1 - Ice and Chrome LENanOSpeCialJun 24, 20207:43
Darkness v JimRising: Game 2 - Ice and Chrome LEDarknessJimRisingJun 24, 202018:20
HeroMarine v Trap: Game 4 - Ice and Chrome LEHeroMarineTrapJul 18, 20208:19
DPGCure v Maru: Game 3 - Ice and Chrome LECureMaruJul 18, 202023:15
INnoVation v Reynor: Game 1 - Ice and Chrome LEINnoVationReynorJul 18, 20205:35
Reynor v Trap: Game 3 - Ice and Chrome LEReynorTrapJul 19, 202015:41
Serral v Trap: Game 4 - Ice and Chrome LESerralTrapJul 19, 20206:19
INnoVation v Neeb: Game 4 - Ice and Chrome LEINnoVationNeebJul 16, 202015:42
HeroMarine v TIME: Game 2 - Ice and Chrome LEHeroMarineOliveiraJul 16, 20207:02
TIME v TYTY: Game 2 - Ice and Chrome LEOliveiraTYJul 16, 202018:37
HeroMarine v PartinG: Game 1 - Ice and Chrome LEHeroMarinePartinGJul 16, 202023:52
INnoVation v Serral: Game 2 - Ice and Chrome LEINnoVationSerralJul 16, 202024:12
Reynor v SpeCial: Game 2 - Ice and Chrome LEReynorSpeCialJul 17, 202018:29
Denver v MarineLorD: Game 2 - Ice and Chrome LEDenverMarineLorDJul 8, 20205:05
HeroMarine v Reynor: Game 1 - Ice and Chrome LEHeroMarineReynorJul 7, 202011:27
HeroMarine v Reynor: Game 1 - Ice and Chrome LEHeroMarineReynorJul 11, 202011:57
LiquidClem v LiquidMaNa: Game 2 - Ice and Chrome LEClemMaNaJul 7, 202010:38
Reynor v Serral: Game 5 - Ice and Chrome LEReynorSerralJul 12, 202018:48
PtitDrogo v ShoWTimE: Game 4 - Ice and Chrome LEPtitDrogoShoWTimEJul 9, 202013:35
Reynor v Serral: Game 2 - Ice and Chrome LEReynorSerralJul 10, 20208:29