

Results (Page 45 of 62)


Build Orders




ReplayPlayersDate PlayedGame Length
ZvP PortAleksander CrazyClose gameLamboJan 10, 201920:31
ZvP PortAleksander LamboJan 10, 201914:52
ZvP Parasite vs Phoenix Adept all in into mass infestor comebackLamboSpaceMarineJan 10, 201921:01
ZvP Blueshift RoachRavagerSwarmhostLamboJan 9, 201911:48
ZvZ vs Namshar PortAleksander Roach vs Roach with alot of burrow movementLamboNamsharDec 27, 201811:29
ZvZ vs Namshar 12GasLingBaneMutaLamboNamsharDec 26, 201818:00
ZvZ vs KanyeWest AutomatonLamboDec 27, 20189:24
ZvZ vs Guru PortAleksander Camping with LurkerSpore vs LingBaneMuta into UltraGuruLamboDec 27, 201821:40
ZvZ PortAleksander very standard early gameLamboSoulSpiritDec 26, 20187:56
ZvZ Parasite vs 141414 LingFloodLamboDec 27, 20186:55
ZvZ Automaton killing muta with RoachQueenLamboDec 27, 20189:10
ZvT vs Mlord Blueshift LingRunbyLamboMarineLorDDec 27, 20186:38
ZvT vs Goody ParasiteLamboDec 26, 201811:53
ZvT vs Demuslim Kairos Junction vs 2 Starport BCLamboDec 26, 201810:49
ZvT PortAleksander Roach Hydra Viper vs Cyclone MechAqueroNLamboDec 27, 201814:35
ZvT Parasite vs Hellbat Banshee intoCyclone MechLamboDec 26, 20189:07
ZvT Kairos Junction vs BioAqueroNLamboDec 27, 201812:58
ZvT Kairos Junction vs BCLamboDec 27, 20188:36
ZvT Kairos Junction vs BC into MechLamboDec 27, 201811:52
ZvT Cerulean FallllLamboDec 25, 201815:29
ZvT Cerulean Fall 2LamboDec 25, 20184:52
ZvT BlueshiftLamboDec 25, 201813:31
ZvP vs RaiLUL Automaton LategameLamboRailDec 27, 201814:37
ZvP vs Rail Parasite LingBaneHydra into BlordLamboRailDec 27, 201813:01
ZvP vs NaniWhine Parasite Lategame vs SkytossLamboDec 26, 201825:45