

Results (Page 39 of 86)


Build Orders




ReplayPlayersDate PlayedGame Length
2020-09-28 - (P)Neeblet VS (T)uwuThermalNeebuThermalSep 27, 20208:10
Protoss vs Terran Build OrderOct 2, 20207:03
Rex v 黑羽快斗: Game 2 - Ever Dream LEButAlwaysRexAug 26, 20208:59
HeroMarine v PtitDrogo: Game 3 - Eternal Empire LEHeroMarinePtitDrogoSep 8, 202013:58
iGMacSed v TIME: Game 2 - 死亡光环-天梯版MacSedOliveiraSep 5, 202012:57
INnoVation v Trap: Game 3 - Ever Dream LEINnoVationTrapSep 20, 202015:07
Garitos v ShoWTimE: Game 2 - Deathaura LEGaritosShoWTimESep 1, 202015:05
iGMacSed v TIME: Game 1 - 永恒梦境-天梯版MacSedOliveiraSep 5, 202010:19
LiquidClem v Probe: Game 2 - Ice and Chrome LEClemProbeSep 17, 20207:46
INnoVation v Trap: Game 4 - Pillars of Gold LEINnoVationTrapSep 20, 202015:00
TIME v 夜蝶蝶蝶蝶蝶蝶蝶: Game 3 - 永恒帝国-天梯版FireflyOliveiraSep 2, 202016:29
JieShi v TIME: Game 3 - Ice and Chrome LEJieshiOliveiraSep 6, 202015:30
iGMacSed v TIME: Game 2 - 永恒梦境-天梯版MacSedOliveiraSep 2, 20208:39
TIME v 夜蝶蝶蝶蝶蝶蝶蝶: Game 1 - 永恒梦境-天梯版FireflyOliveiraSep 2, 202010:36
HeroMarine v SKillous: Game 2 - Deathaura LEHeroMarineSKillousSep 10, 20209:43
HeroMarine v PtitDrogo: Game 5 - Pillars of Gold LEHeroMarinePtitDrogoSep 8, 202010:59
LiquidClem v PtitDrogo: Game 3 - Golden Wall LEClemPtitDrogoSep 11, 20207:36
Couguar v soul: Game 1 - Deathaura LECouguarsouLSep 6, 20208:59
LiquidMaNa v MarineLorD: Game 4 - Eternal Empire LEMaNaMarineLorDSep 10, 202011:25
Asuna v Future: Game 1 - Pillars of Gold LEAsunaFutureSep 1, 20208:59
soul v TLHarstem: Game 1 - Deathaura LEHarstemsouLAug 30, 202014:08
HeroMarine v SKillous: Game 5 - Pillars of Gold LEHeroMarineSKillousSep 10, 202012:45
Probe v Seither: Game 4 - Submarine LEProbeSeitherAug 30, 202019:34
LiquidClem v SKillous: Game 1 - Deathaura LEClemSKillousSep 5, 202020:15
JieShi v TIME: Game 1 - Submarine LEJieshiOliveiraSep 6, 20206:16