

Results (Page 35 of 86)


Build Orders




ReplayPlayersDate PlayedGame Length
INnoVation v ShoWTimE: Game 1 - Deathaura LEINnoVationShoWTimENov 28, 202011:32
maru v TLHarstem: Game 4 - Oxide LEHarstemMaruNov 28, 202010:14
maru v TLHarstem: Game 3 - Romanticide LEHarstemMaruNov 28, 202027:41
ByuN v Stats: Game 4 - Oxide LEByuNStatsNov 27, 202013:19
ByuN v Stats: Game 3 - Romanticide LEByuNStatsNov 27, 202010:35
ByuN v Stats: Game 2 - Pillars of Gold LEByuNStatsNov 27, 202010:11
MaxPax v SpeCial: Game 4 - Oxide LEMaxPaxSpeCialNov 27, 202020:44
PartinG v SpeCial: Game 2 - Romanticide LEPartinGSpeCialNov 27, 202014:52
tvp mine drop into 3-1-1 buildjheffeApr 3, 202010:44
Eternal_Empire_LE_600 (6)jheffeAug 26, 20208:39
Finals_Map_1_3HeroMarineMaNaFeb 2, 202010:57
GS - 01 - Nice vs ExpecT - G3 - Lightshade LEExpecTNiceOct 21, 202012:42
04 - LB Ro4#1 - PiLiPiLi vs Namshar - G4 - Pillars of Gold LENamsharPiLiPiLiNov 5, 202010:02
03 - LB Ro4#1 - MaSa vs Nina - G4 - Pillars of Gold LEMaSaNinaNov 5, 202010:54
03 - LB Ro4#1 - MaSa vs Nina - G3 - Jagannatha LEMaSaNinaNov 5, 202015:26
01 - UB Ro4 - Astrea vs Future - G3 - Pillars of Gold LEAstreaFutureNov 4, 20207:24
01 - UB Ro4 - Astrea vs Future - G1 - Oxide LEAstreaFutureNov 4, 202014:27
GS - 27 - TLO vs Astrea - G2 - Lightshade LEAstreaTLONov 1, 202015:01
GS - 20 - Astrea vs Epic - G1 - Oxide LEAstreaEpicOct 30, 20209:01
GS - 09 - Epic vs PattyMac - G1 - Romanticide LEEpicPattyMacOct 28, 202010:52
GS - 07 - Asuna vs Epic - G3 - Deathaura LEAsunaEpicOct 27, 202012:10
GS - 05 - Astrea vs MaSa - G2 - Deathaura LEAstreaMaSaOct 27, 202012:29
GS - 25 - DiSk vs Vindicta - G2 - Deathaura LEDisKVindictaNov 1, 202012:21
GS - 16 - Vindicta vs Nina - G2 - Oxide LENinaVindictaOct 29, 202011:02
GS - 16 - Vindicta vs Nina - G1 - Jagannatha LENinaVindictaOct 29, 202014:45