

Results (Page 32 of 91)


Build Orders




ReplayPlayersDate PlayedGame Length
HolyHit v RagnaroK: Game 1 - 시뮬레이크럼 - 래더HolyHitSHINFeb 25, 20208:45
Dear v InZaNe: Game 1 - Triton LEDearInZaNeFeb 25, 20205:55
Lambo v Trap: Game 2 - Triton LELamboTrapFeb 25, 202011:23
HateMe v Rail: Game 1 - Ewiges Imperium LEHateMeRailFeb 25, 202012:48
Dark v PartinG: Game 2 - Nightshade LEDarkPartinGFeb 27, 20208:25
INnoVation v Patience: Game 2 - 나이트쉐이드 - 래더INnoVationPatienceFeb 28, 202020:10
Patience v Trap: Game 1 - 월드 오브 슬리퍼스 - 래더PatienceTrapFeb 28, 20209:34
Hurricane v Lambo: Game 1 - 월드 오브 슬리퍼스 - 래더HurricaneLamboFeb 28, 202013:56
Cure v sOs: Game 3 - Simulacrum LECuresOsFeb 28, 20208:53
sOs v TYTY: Game 1 - 시뮬레이크럼 - 래더sOsTYFeb 28, 202010:46
Reynor v Zest: Game 2 - World of Sleepers LEReynorZestFeb 27, 202013:12
Armani v Zest: Game 1 - 이페머론 - 래더ArmaniZestFeb 27, 20209:38
Rogue v Zest: Game 5 - Zen LERogueZestMar 1, 20207:46
sOs v Stats: Game 3 - Simulacrum LEsOsStatsFeb 29, 202011:17
sOs v Stats: Game 4 - Triton LEsOsStatsFeb 29, 20205:09
PvZ DT DropDec 5, 201911:51
proxy_dt_shrine_cranky_ducklings_spacemarine_pvtThunderbird_LE_27Jun 14, 201910:45
Império Eterno LE (5)Feb 15, 202011:15
Simulacrum LE (16)Feb 4, 202017:03
TvP_Blink_DT_Rush_Defended_TritonFeb 15, 202021:44
DRG v Patience - Ephemeron LEDRGPatienceJan 8, 202010:51
IntoTheZoun v llllllllllll - 나이트쉐이드 - 래더TrapZounJan 9, 20205:24
DPGPartinG v DRG - Eternal Empire LEDRGPartinGJan 9, 20205:53
DPGPartinG v llllllllllll - 시뮬레이크럼 - 래더PartinGTrapJan 16, 202011:10
JinairRogue v lllllllllll - 나이트쉐이드 - 래더RoguesOsJan 9, 20206:37