

Results (Page 27 of 91)


Build Orders




ReplayPlayersDate PlayedGame Length
Astrea v maru - Submarine LEAstreaMaruAug 9, 202020:40
Dear v ShoWTimE - Eternal Empire LEDearShoWTimEAug 9, 202016:29
AgoElazer v Zest - Pillars of Gold LEElazerZestAug 2, 20209:35
Hurricane v Reynor - Ever Dream LEHurricaneReynorAug 16, 202011:30
phiL v PumpkinMan - Submarine LEAug 17, 202010:52
Ever Dream LE (541)Aug 17, 20206:21
PvT - DT vs Avenger (5450 player)Aug 10, 202015:24
Heavy Artillery LE (61)Aug 8, 20209:24
Ever Dream LE (82)Aug 2, 20205:36
PvT Best Cheese BuildJul 26, 20204:43
Deathaura LE (11)Jul 24, 20207:37
Pillars of Gold LE (14)Jul 22, 202012:30
Cyan v TIME: Game 2 - 永恒帝国-天梯版CyanOliveiraJul 1, 202017:44
Probe v RiSky: Game 1 - Ever Dream LEProbeRiSkyJun 28, 202012:36
Future v Neeb: Game 1 - Eternal Empire LEFutureNeebJul 11, 20207:29
Creature v MaSa: Game 2 - Deathaura LECreatureMaSaJul 4, 202013:46
DisK v LiquidTLO: Game 3 - Ice and Chrome LEDisKTLOJun 30, 202012:55
Astrea v Future: Game 2 - Pillars of Gold LEAstreaFutureJul 1, 202012:42
Creature v Silky: Game 2 - Ever Dream LECreatureSilkyJun 30, 202011:46
Creature v Scarlett: Game 2 - Ever Dream LECreatureScarlettJul 3, 202011:32
Nice v Rex: Game 2 - Eternal Empire LENiceRexJun 26, 202010:14
Darkness v JimRising: Game 3 - Golden Wall LEDarknessJimRisingJun 24, 20207:27
Serral v Trap: Game 4 - Ice and Chrome LESerralTrapJul 19, 20206:19
Serral v Trap: Game 3 - Submarine LESerralTrapJul 19, 202011:00
DPGPartinG v TYTY: Game 2 - Eternal Empire LEPartinGTYJul 16, 202013:06