

Results (Page 14 of 91)


Build Orders




ReplayPlayersDate PlayedGame Length
Gerald v TIME: Game 2 - Thunderbird LEGeraldOliveiraSep 6, 201911:39
Probe v Vindicta: Game 1 - Ephemeron LEProbeVindictaSep 6, 201917:09
ShoWTimE v Stephano: Game 2 - Ephemeron LEShoWTimEStephanoSep 6, 201911:49
Creature v Cuddlebear: Game 2 - Winter's Gate LECreatureCuddlebearSep 6, 20196:35
Probe v Vindicta: Game 3 - Thunderbird LEProbeVindictaSep 6, 20196:50
MaNa v MCanning: Game 1 - Winter's Gate LEMaNaMCanningSep 6, 20194:24
Elazer v Scarlett: Game 3 - Disco Bloodbath LEElazerScarlettSep 6, 201911:12
ShoWTimE v Stephano: Game 1 - Triton LEShoWTimEStephanoSep 6, 20195:41
Clem v Elazer: Game 2 - Triton LEClemElazerSep 6, 20197:07
Clem v Scarlett: Game 2 - Triton LEClemScarlettSep 6, 20197:32
Cyan v MaNa: Game 1 - Disco Bloodbath LECyanMaNaSep 6, 201912:27
Astrea v penny: Game 2 - Acropolis LEAstreaSep 6, 20197:17
puCK v Ziggy: Game 2 - Thunderbird LENinaZiggySep 6, 20196:07
Clem v Scarlett: Game 1 - Thunderbird LEClemScarlettSep 6, 20198:58
Hjax v JonSnow: Game 1 - Thunderbird LEHjaxJonSnowSep 6, 20197:04
Asuna v starkiller: Game 1 - Ephemeron LEAsunastarkillerSep 6, 201912:39
MaSa v SortOf: Game 1 - Acropolis LEMaSaSortOfSep 6, 201915:59
Elazer v Scarlett: Game 1 - Acropolis LEElazerScarlettSep 6, 201918:39
MCanning v niceusername: Game 2 - Disco Bloodbath LEMCanningSep 6, 20197:06
Hellraiser v Serral: Game 1 - Thunderbird LEHellraiserSerralSep 6, 20196:52
Elazer v Scarlett: Game 2 - World of Sleepers LEElazerScarlettSep 6, 20197:33
JonSnow v Stephano: Game 3 - World of Sleepers LEJonSnowStephanoSep 6, 201915:30
ButAlways v DnS: Game 2 - Winter's Gate LEButAlwaysDnSSep 6, 20197:02
BackupN v Epic: Game 1 - Disco Bloodbath LEEpicSep 6, 20199:38
Astrea v penny: Game 1 - Triton LEAstreaSep 6, 20194:10