

Results (Page 10 of 63)


Build Orders




ReplayPlayersDate PlayedGame Length
GS - 25 - DiSk vs Vindicta - G2 - Deathaura LEDisKVindictaNov 1, 202012:21
11 - LB Ro8#2 - uThermal vs ShoWTimE - G2 - Deathaura LEShoWTimEuThermalNov 5, 202018:19
08 - LB Ro8#1 - Gerald vs souL - G4 - Pillars of Gold LEGeraldsouLNov 4, 202011:56
GS - 27 - uThermal vs PtitDrogo - G2 - Deathaura LEPtitDrogouThermalNov 1, 202019:32
GS - 22 - uThermal vs Rail - G1 - Oxide LERailuThermalOct 31, 20208:49
GS - 21 - MilkiCow vs souL - G2 - Oxide LEMilkiCowsouLOct 31, 20209:01
GS - 05 - Stephano vs MilkiCow - G2 - Lightshade LEMilkiCowStephanoOct 23, 20208:12
GS - 05 - Stephano vs MilkiCow - G1 - Romanticide LEMilkiCowStephanoOct 23, 202011:45
GS - 04 - MilkiCow vs PtitDrogo - G2 - Lightshade LEMilkiCowPtitDrogoOct 22, 20209:55
GS - 01 - Rail vs souL - G3 - Jagannatha LERailsouLOct 22, 20208:54
GS - 11 - Clem vs ShoWTimE - G3 - Romanticide LEClemShoWTimEOct 24, 202017:26
06 - GF - TIME vs XY - G3 - Pillars of Gold LEOliveiraXYNov 1, 20208:25
05 - LBF - XY vs Cyan - G5 - Oxide LECyanXYNov 1, 202012:47
GS - 05 - Firefly vs XY - G1 - Deathaura LEFireflyXYOct 29, 202010:31
GS - 01 - Maru vs Armani - G3 - Deathaura LEArmaniMaruNov 10, 202019:56
GS - 11 - LeoRusher vs Azure - G1 - Deathaura LEAzureLeoRusherOct 17, 202011:52
GS - 09 - RiSky vs piglet - G2 - Lightshade LEpigletRiSkyOct 17, 202010:40
Q2 - Azure vs Pezz - G4 - Oxide LEAzurePezzOct 11, 202012:07
Q2 - TLO vs Jheffe - G3 - Lightshade LEjheffeTLOOct 15, 202014:21
Q2 - Epic vs PattyMac - G5 - Lightshade LEEpicPattyMacOct 15, 20207:26
Q2 - Epic vs PattyMac - G3 - Romanticide LEEpicPattyMacOct 15, 202013:01
Q3 - BratOK vs GunGFuBanDa - G1 - Romanticide LEBrat_OKGunGFuBanDaOct 18, 202011:26
Jagannatha LE (4)Nov 4, 202083:16
Anarchy v FABELOUZ - Submarine LEOct 22, 202013:07
ТвЗ био через баньшей в пуш с двух базOct 2, 202011:05