

Results (Page 10 of 11)


Build Orders



ReplayPlayersDate PlayedGame Length
PartinG v Zest: Game 3 - Romanticide LEPartinGZestFeb 28, 202110:08
PartinG v Zest: Game 2 - Pillars of Gold LEPartinGZestFeb 28, 202110:47
PartinG v Zest: Game 1 - Deathaura LEPartinGZestFeb 28, 202112:16
Maru v Reynor: Game 5 - Pillars of Gold LEMaruReynorFeb 28, 202123:42
Maru v Reynor: Game 4 - Lightshade LEMaruReynorFeb 28, 20216:13
Maru v Reynor: Game 3 - Romanticide LEMaruReynorFeb 28, 202117:12
Maru v Reynor: Game 2 - Deathaura LEMaruReynorFeb 28, 202130:10
Clem v Serral: Game 5 - Deathaura LEClemSerralFeb 26, 202115:18
Clem v Serral: Game 4 - Pillars of Gold LEClemSerralFeb 26, 202111:33
Clem v Serral: Game 3 - Romanticide LEClemSerralFeb 26, 202118:01
Clem v Serral: Game 2 - Oxide LEClemSerralFeb 26, 20219:28
Clem v Serral: Game 1 - Lightshade LEClemSerralFeb 26, 202110:11
INnoVation v PartinG: Game 4 - Pillars of Gold LEINnoVationPartinGFeb 26, 20218:37
INnoVation v PartinG: Game 3 - Lightshade LEINnoVationPartinGFeb 26, 20216:57
INnoVation v PartinG: Game 2 - Jagannatha LEINnoVationPartinGFeb 26, 20218:43
INnoVation v PartinG: Game 1 - Romanticide LEINnoVationPartinGFeb 26, 20214:28
HeRoMaRinE v Maru: Game 3 - Deathaura LEHeroMarineMaruFeb 26, 202110:33
HeRoMaRinE v Maru: Game 2 - Jagannatha LEHeroMarineMaruFeb 26, 202123:48
HeRoMaRinE v Maru: Game 1 - Romanticide LEHeroMarineMaruFeb 26, 202120:00
Reynor v Stats: Game 5 - Pillars of Gold LEReynorStatsFeb 26, 20218:38
Reynor v Stats: Game 4 - Jagannatha LEReynorStatsFeb 26, 202112:00
Reynor v Stats: Game 3 - Oxide LEReynorStatsFeb 26, 202115:05
Reynor v Stats: Game 2 - Deathaura LEReynorStatsFeb 26, 202111:09
Reynor v Stats: Game 1 - Submarine LEReynorStatsFeb 26, 20218:37
Reynor v Zest: Game 6 - Pillars of Gold LEReynorZestFeb 28, 20219:57