534-432 (966 Games, 55.28%)

Mass Adepts
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Results (Page 36 of 39)

ReplayPlayersDate PlayedGame LengthResultBuild Orders
Arthur vs Kelazhur (PvT) Game 1ArthurKelazhurSep 7, 20158:24WinMMM Bio
Reaper Expand
Mass Adepts
desRow vs Astrea (PvP) Game 1 AstreadesRowSep 5, 20158:21Oracle Opening
Mass Adepts
1 Gate Expand
Pure vs EndofLine PvZ Game 2Sep 1, 20157:48Mass Adepts
Hatch First
Bioice vs Pure ZvP Game 2BioiceSep 1, 201511:30Hatch First
Mass Adepts
puCK vs NightEnD (PvP) Game 6NightEnDNinaOct 2, 201510:29WinDark Templar Rush
Mass Adepts
puCK vs Patience (PvP) Game 4NinaPatienceSep 30, 20156:21WinDark Templar Rush
Mass Adepts
puCK vs Patience (PvP) Game 2NinaPatienceSep 30, 20156:13WinMass Adepts
1 Gate Expand
puCK vs Semper (PvT) Game 4NinaSemperSep 22, 201518:41MMM Bio
Mass Adepts
Skellis v SticklerMac - Orbital ShipyardJul 23, 201513:13WinMass Adepts
Rose v SticklerMac - Dash and Terminal LE (Void)Sep 28, 20157:55WinOracle Opening
Mass Adepts
Hatch First
bridgehead-le-void-2Oct 4, 20155:34Mass Adepts
1 Gate Expand
Hatch First
AcerBly v TheDoctor: Game 2 - Bridgehead LE (Void)BlySep 21, 20157:27WinMass Adepts
1 Gate Expand
Hatch First
Javert v Lapack - Lerilak CrestAug 22, 20155:45WinMass Adepts
Hatch First
Dash and Terminal LE (Void) (6)Sep 22, 20158:15MMM Bio
Mass Adepts
Clair de lune fanatique EC (Void) (3)Sep 20, 20157:13Win1 Gate Expand
Mass Adepts
C31 M2 G3 Ruins of Seras NoRegreT NightEnD 11 ZvP LOTVNightEnDNoRegreTSep 8, 201510:503 Hatch before Pool
Mass Adepts
1 Gate Expand
C31 M2 G2 Bridgehead NightEnD NoRegreT 7 PvZ LOTVNightEnDNoRegreTSep 8, 20156:44WinMass Adepts
1 Gate Expand
Hatch First
C31 M2 G1 Terraform NoRegreT NightEnD 6 ZvP LOTVNightEnDNoRegreTSep 8, 20155:393 Hatch before Pool
Mass Adepts
1 Gate Expand
C30 M5 G2 Ruins of Seras Arthur Kealzhur 6 PvT LOTV ArthurKelazhurSep 7, 20155:59WinMMM Bio
Mass Adepts
C30 M3 G1 Terraform Spellsinger Arthur 5 PvP LOTVArthurSep 7, 20154:55WinMass Adepts
Mass Adepts
1 Gate Expand
C30 M2 G1 Terraform LE Arthur Kelazhur 8 PvT LOTVArthurKelazhurSep 7, 20158:26WinReaper Expand
Mass Adepts
C26 M5 G2 Terraform EndOfLine Pure 8 ZvPSep 1, 20157:46Hatch First
Mass Adepts
C26 M3 G2 Ruins of Seras Bioice Pure 11 ZvPBioiceSep 1, 201511:34Hatch First
Mass Adepts
NinjaNight v RepMeaSt: Game 1 - Terraform LE (Void)SemperAug 10, 20156:09Mass Adepts
RepMeaSt v WashedUpNub: Game 1 - Terraform LE (Void)SemperAug 10, 20159:59MMM Bio
Mass Adepts