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Results (Page 27 of 31)

ReplayPlayersDate PlayedGame LengthResultBuild Orders
LB Ro8 #2 Zest vs TIME G1OliveiraZestJan 6, 20198:25Reaper Expand
Blink Stalkers
Colossus Rush
1 Gate Expand
LB Ro8 #1 Time vs Has G3HasOliveiraJan 6, 20197:30WinPhoenix Opening
Gas First Reaper Expand
LB Ro8 #1 Time vs Has G2HasOliveiraJan 6, 20195:46Cyclone Opening
LB Ro8 #1 Time vs Has G1HasOliveiraJan 6, 20198:44WinPhoenix Opening
Cyclone Opening
HeroMarine v TIME: Game 1 - Fracture LEHeroMarineOliveiraSep 9, 20186:10WinCyclone Opening
Cyclone Opening
HeroMarine v TIME: Game 3 - Dreamcatcher LEHeroMarineOliveiraSep 9, 201816:10WinBanshee Rush
Bio Tank
Bio Tank
HeroMarine v TIME: Game 2 - Lost and Found LEHeroMarineOliveiraSep 9, 20187:23WinCyclone Opening
Cyclone Opening
Reynor v TIME: Game 1 - Para Site LEOliveiraReynorSep 9, 201813:27Pool First
Liberator Opening
Bio Tank
Reaper Expand
Reynor v TIME: Game 2 - Fracture LEOliveiraReynorSep 9, 201820:15Mech
Reaper Expand
Swarm Host
Hatch First
Gas First Reaper Expand
Reynor v TIME: Game 3 - Blueshift LEOliveiraReynorSep 9, 20186:23Hellion Opening
Reaper Expand
Pool First
Has v TIME: Game 4 - Cerulean Fall LEHasOliveiraSep 8, 201822:27Oracle Opening
Cyclone Opening
Has v TIME: Game 5 - Fracture LEHasOliveiraSep 8, 201810:03WinMMM Bio
Has v TIME: Game 1 - Dreamcatcher LEHasOliveiraSep 8, 20189:52WinDark Templar Rush
1 Gate Expand
Has v TIME: Game 2 - Blueshift LEHasOliveiraSep 8, 20186:431 Gate Expand
Cyclone Opening
Has v TIME: Game 3 - Lost and Found LEHasOliveiraSep 8, 20186:04Win
Stephano v TIME: Game 1 - Cerulean Fall LEOliveiraStephanoSep 7, 20189:13WinHatch First
Hellion Opening
Reaper Expand
Stephano v TIME: Game 3 - Dreamcatcher LEOliveiraStephanoSep 7, 201812:26MMM Bio
Reaper Expand
Pool First
Stephano v TIME: Macro GameOliveiraStephanoSep 7, 201819:11Bio Tank
Reaper Expand
Hatch First
PtitDrogo v TIME: Game 3 - Para Site LEOliveiraPtitDrogoSep 7, 201813:58Win1 Gate Expand
Cyclone Opening
Chargelot Immortal
PtitDrogo v TIME: Game 1 - Dreamcatcher LEOliveiraPtitDrogoSep 7, 20188:23Oracle Opening
1 Gate Expand
Reaper Expand
PtitDrogo v TIME: Game 2 - Lost and Found LEOliveiraPtitDrogoSep 7, 201810:40WinOracle Opening
1 Gate Expand
Reaper Expand
StevenBonnel v TIME: Game 1 - Dreamcatcher LEOliveiraPtitDrogoSep 7, 20189:20WinMMM Bio
Reaper Expand
Colossus Rush
1 Gate Expand
StevenBonnel v TIME: Game 2 - Lost and Found LEOliveiraPtitDrogoSep 7, 201811:19WinCyclone Opening
Reaper Expand
Chargelot Immortal
NoRegreT v TIME: Game 3 - 缀蓝秋原-天梯版NoRegreTOliveiraSep 7, 20184:27WinHellion Banshee
Reaper Expand
Zergling Baneling
Hatch First
NoRegreT v TIME: Game 2 - 地龙岛-天梯版NoRegreTOliveiraSep 7, 20184:11Reaper Expand
Pool First