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Results (Page 2 of 1776)

ReplayPlayersDate PlayedGame LengthResultBuild Orders
Starunicorns v StonedJeezus - AmygdalaFeb 25, 202519:25Carriers
1 Base Baneling Bust
Pool First
Zergling Baneling
Ultralove (22)Feb 23, 202517:19Zealot Archon
Hatch First
Doomcheese v kxcl v SonGokuSSJ v TGMS - Crimson Research Lab LEFeb 23, 202516:09Double Forge
Cannon Rush
Pool First
ADYGENIUS v kxcl v Naidden v TGMS - YellowjacketFeb 23, 20259:21Pool First
Zergling Baneling
Hatch First
PVTFeb 21, 202511:211 Gate Expand
Blink Stalkers
Axis v CyclonesXD v MasterVasya v Zarak v ДартАньЯн - CJ Biome FFAOct 4, 201733:27Nexus First
Pool First
Hatch First
Banshee Rush
Gas First Reaper Expand
Inconel v MacroMenace - El DoradoFeb 13, 202521:02Reaper Expand
Liberator Opening
1 Gate Expand
Blink Stalkers
Double Forge
tvp BULLS EYEFeb 11, 202522:11Cannon Rush
Whispers of Gold (4)SHINSKillousJan 14, 202511:52Hatch First
Roach Hydra
1 Gate Expand
Oracle Opening
x003 - double forge - Ley LinesFeb 19, 20259:44Reaper Expand
1 Gate Expand
Colossus Rush
Blink Stalkers
Double Forge
Phoenix Opening
x002 - robo - nexus - stalker - Ley LinesFeb 19, 20259:46Reaper Expand
1 Gate Expand
Colossus Rush
Blink Stalkers
Phoenix Opening
x001 - nexus - stalker - robo - Ley LinesFeb 19, 20259:44Reaper Expand
1 Gate Expand
Colossus Rush
Blink Stalkers
Phoenix Opening
2025-02-19 - (P)Vanquish VS (P)IlIlIlIlIlIlFeb 18, 20255:23Mass Adepts
1 Gate Expand
PvP stalker sentry expand 4 gate Ley Lines (88)Feb 5, 20259:01Blink Stalkers
PvZ double orcale CIA Ley Lines (87)Feb 5, 20259:20Pool First
1 Gate Expand
Archon Immortal
Oracle Opening
PvT 3 gate blink Ley Lines (86)Feb 5, 20259:261 Gate Expand
Blink Stalkers
PvT Proxy 1 Gate Astrea Ley Lines (122)Feb 9, 20258:49Blink Stalkers
Ley Lines (114)Feb 16, 20256:291 Gate Expand
Blink Stalkers
2025-01-31 - (P)Gemini VS (Z)A.I. 1 (Very Easy)Jan 30, 202510:12Hatch First
1 Gate Expand
Archon Immortal
Oracle Opening
Ley Lines (105)Feb 16, 202515:491 Gate Expand
Blink Stalkers
Ley Lines (98)Feb 9, 202510:07Blink Stalkers
King's Cove LE (7)Feb 13, 202518:00Hatch First
Swarm Host
2025-02-13 - (P)FoxerSlayer VS (T)llllllllllllFeb 12, 20257:15Blink Stalkers
2024-07-08 - (P)Kelsier VS (Z)StalkerManJul 8, 20248:51Hatch First
Roach Hydra
1 Gate Expand
Zealot Archon
Oracle Opening
tvp不让开4矿Feb 8, 202514:21Reaper Expand
1 Gate Expand
Colossus Rush