

Results (Page 6 of 14)


Build Orders




ReplayPlayersDate PlayedGame Length
Bly v Gerald: Game 3 - [ESL] Inside and OutBlyGeraldOct 7, 202212:30
Gerald v ShoWTimE: Game 2 - [ESL] Inside and OutGeraldOct 6, 20224:24
Bly v DnS: Game 3 - [ESL] Inside and OutBlyDnSOct 6, 202210:25
ForJumy v KingCobra: Game 3 - [ESL] Inside and OutForJumyKingCobraOct 6, 20229:20
Serral v ShaDoWn: Game 1 - [ESL] Inside and OutSerralShaDoWnOct 6, 20229:17
Bly v KingCobra: Game 1 - [ESL] Inside and OutBlyKingCobraOct 4, 202228:31
Gerald v ShaDoWn: Game 3 - [ESL] Inside and OutGeraldShaDoWnOct 4, 20228:18
DnS v ShoWTimE: Game 1 - [ESL] Inside and OutDnSOct 4, 20224:16
ForJumy v Serral: Game 2 - [ESL] Inside and OutForJumySerralOct 4, 20228:10
KingCobra v ShaDoWn: Game 2 - [ESL] Inside and OutKingCobraShaDoWnOct 1, 20224:22
Bly v Serral: Game 2 - [ESL] Inside and OutBlySerralOct 1, 202210:25
DnS v Gerald: Game 3 - [ESL] Inside and OutDnSGeraldOct 1, 202212:25
DnS v Serral: Game 1 - [ESL] Inside and OutDnSSerralSep 28, 20228:12
AqueroN v Lambo: Game 3 - [ESL] Inside and OutAqueroNLamboOct 2, 20227:42
Krystianer v SKillous: Game 1 - [ESL] Inside and OutKrystianerSKillousSep 29, 202210:31
HeroMarine v MaNa: Game 1 - [ESL] Inside and OutHeroMarineMaNaSep 29, 202210:30
AqueroN v BattleB: Game 2 - [ESL] Inside and OutAqueroNBattleBOct 2, 202215:21
Lambo v MaNa: Game 3 - [ESL] Inside and OutLamboMaNaSep 28, 20229:21
AqueroN v Krystianer: Game 2 - [ESL] Inside and OutAqueroNKrystianerOct 9, 20226:09
BattleB v MaNa: Game 1 - [ESL] Inside and OutBattleBMaNaOct 9, 202215:20
AqueroN v HeroMarine: Game 1 - [ESL] Inside and OutAqueroNHeroMarineOct 7, 202211:35
BattleB v Krystianer: Game 1 - [ESL] Inside and OutBattleBKrystianerOct 7, 20228:02
Krystianer v MaNa: Game 2 - [ESL] Inside and OutKrystianerMaNaOct 6, 20228:43
MaNa v SKillous: Game 1 - [ESL] Inside and OutMaNaSKillousOct 4, 20229:00
BattleB v HeroMarine: Game 1 - [ESL] Inside and OutBattleBHeroMarineOct 4, 20228:39