

Results (Page 5 of 25)


Build Orders




ReplayPlayersDate PlayedGame Length
INnoVation v Serral: Game 1 - Submarine LEINnoVationSerralAug 2, 202017:38
AfreecaDRG v INnoVation: Game 1 - Ever Dream LEDRGINnoVationAug 2, 202015:04
INnoVation v Maru - 필러스 오브 골드 - 래더INnoVationMaruJul 24, 202020:47
AfreecaDRG v INnoVation: Game 2 - Ice and Chrome LEDRGINnoVationAug 2, 20205:33
INnoVation v Serral: Game 2 - Eternal Empire LEINnoVationSerralAug 2, 202010:00
INnoVation v souL - Submarine LEINnoVationsouLJul 24, 20209:06
Bunny v INnoVation - Submarine LEBunnyINnoVationAug 14, 202010:24
INnoVation v TIME - Submarine LEINnoVationOliveiraAug 9, 202011:26
Astrea v INnoVation - Eternal Empire LEAstreaINnoVationAug 9, 202016:25
INnoVation v soO - Pillars of Gold LEINnoVationsoOJul 24, 202020:59
INnoVation v lllllllllll - 에버 드림 - 래더INnoVationsOsJul 24, 202012:58
INnoVation v Reynor: Game 5 - Eternal Empire LEINnoVationReynorJul 18, 202010:57
INnoVation v Reynor: Game 3 - Pillars of Gold LEINnoVationReynorJul 18, 202010:38
INnoVation v Reynor: Game 2 - Golden Wall LEINnoVationReynorJul 18, 202018:38
INnoVation v Reynor: Game 4 - Deathaura LEINnoVationReynorJul 18, 20209:39
INnoVation v Reynor: Game 1 - Ice and Chrome LEINnoVationReynorJul 18, 20205:35
INnoVation v Neeb: Game 3 - Eternal Empire LEINnoVationNeebJul 16, 202014:13
INnoVation v Neeb: Game 5 - Deathaura LEINnoVationNeebJul 16, 202012:14
INnoVation v Neeb: Game 4 - Ice and Chrome LEINnoVationNeebJul 16, 202015:42
INnoVation v Serral: Game 3 - Pillars of Gold LEINnoVationSerralJul 16, 202012:27
INnoVation v Serral: Game 1 - Deathaura LEINnoVationSerralJul 16, 202017:30
INnoVation v Serral: Game 2 - Ice and Chrome LEINnoVationSerralJul 16, 202024:12
INnoVation v Neeb: Game 2 - Deathaura LEINnoVationNeebJul 16, 202016:19
Eternal EmpireINnoVationNeebJul 16, 20208:35
INnoVation v PtitDrogo: Game 1 - Eternal Empire LEINnoVationPtitDrogoJun 11, 20206:15