

Results (Page 4 of 22)


Build Orders




ReplayPlayersDate PlayedGame Length
Harstem v Stats: Game 1 - 로맨티사이드 - 래더HarstemStatsMar 11, 20214:50
Harstem v Stats: Game 2 - 옥사이드 - 래더HarstemStatsMar 11, 20215:43
Neeb v Stats: Game 2 - Romanticide LENeebStatsFeb 25, 20218:29
Neeb v Stats: Game 1 - Oxide LENeebStatsFeb 25, 20217:52
Cure v Stats: Game 3 - Pillars of Gold LECureStatsFeb 25, 202113:29
Cure v Stats: Game 2 - Romanticide LECureStatsFeb 25, 20216:58
Cure v Stats: Game 1 - Deathaura LECureStatsFeb 25, 202112:29
RagnaroK v Stats: Game 2 - Pillars of Gold LESHINStatsFeb 25, 202110:51
RagnaroK v Stats: Game 1 - Oxide LESHINStatsFeb 25, 202112:41
Rogue v Stats: Game 2 - Jagannatha LERogueStatsFeb 25, 202111:02
Rogue v Stats: Game 1 - Deathaura LERogueStatsFeb 25, 202123:01
PartinG v Stats: Game 2 - Oxide LEPartinGStatsFeb 25, 20218:20
PartinG v Stats: Game 1 - Lightshade LEPartinGStatsFeb 25, 20217:59
Reynor v Stats: Game 5 - Pillars of Gold LEReynorStatsFeb 26, 20218:38
Reynor v Stats: Game 4 - Jagannatha LEReynorStatsFeb 26, 202112:00
Reynor v Stats: Game 3 - Oxide LEReynorStatsFeb 26, 202115:05
Reynor v Stats: Game 2 - Deathaura LEReynorStatsFeb 26, 202111:09
Reynor v Stats: Game 1 - Submarine LEReynorStatsFeb 26, 20218:37
ByuN vs Stats ByuNStatsDec 15, 202020:24
G2 - Lightshade LESerralStatsJan 15, 20216:32
G1 - Pillars of Gold LESerralStatsJan 15, 202113:07
G2 - Lightshade LEShoWTimEStatsJan 15, 20216:34
G1 - Oxide LEShoWTimEStatsJan 15, 202126:12
G2 - Lightshade LESolarStatsJan 15, 202110:12
G1 - Submarine LESolarStatsJan 15, 20217:28