

Results (Page 37 of 138)


Build Orders




ReplayPlayersDate PlayedGame Length
antagomiR v ByGD - Purity and Industry LEApr 3, 20200:12
antagomiR v langostino - Purity and Industry LEApr 3, 202013:08
antagomiR v bycaco - Purity and Industry LEApr 18, 20209:21
antagomiR v UberNOobster - Golden Wall LEMar 30, 20206:51
antagomiR v Goonies - Golden Wall LEApr 3, 202034:29
antagomiR v Valjean - Purity and Industry LEApr 3, 202010:39
antagomiR v MARCHBANK - Golden Wall LEApr 1, 20203:03
antagomiR v Bryce - Golden Wall LEApr 3, 20207:04
antagomiR v RESONANT - Purity and Industry LEApr 1, 20207:22
antagomiR v Hrmynee - Golden Wall LEMar 30, 202018:19
antagomiR v Shadowf - Purity and Industry LEMar 30, 20205:50
antagomiR v Leon - Purity and Industry LEApr 18, 202011:51
antagomiR v xaerox - Golden Wall LEApr 3, 202011:02
antagomiR v Juno - Purity and Industry LEApr 3, 202017:30
antagomiR v Booster - Purity and Industry LEApr 1, 202013:23
2020-04-21 - (Z)AGOElazer VS (P)HarstemElazerHarstemApr 20, 20204:59
IIIIIIIIIIII v Railgan - Golden Wall LERailganApr 14, 20209:26
20-04-14 PvP 골든 월 - 래더 - [TRAP]llllllllllll vs [creato]IIIIIllllIIlCreatorTrapApr 14, 20206:57
meeK v printf - Ruins of EndionApr 2, 20164:56
meeK vs starkillerstarkillerApr 4, 20164:55
Cham v meeK - UlrenaChamDec 17, 20154:20
roach ravager push (Golden Wall LE )vs terranApr 15, 20208:42
AgoElazer v SortOf: Game 2 - Purity and Industry LEElazerSortOfApr 11, 20202:39
Serral v soO: Game 2 - Purity and Industry LESerralsoOApr 11, 202021:19
INnoVation v Serral: Game 5 - Golden Wall LEINnoVationSerralApr 11, 202014:13