

Results (Page 13 of 22)


Build Orders




ReplayPlayersDate PlayedGame Length
pvz fun long game 10Mar 13, 201837:07
ZvP (loss) protoss held my all in with some hero immortalsMar 10, 201812:31
Rogue v TYTY: Game 3 - Backwater LERogueTYMar 3, 20187:16
2018-02-02 [나도개초보야]SpeCial vs [eGGz]KignisVirgen - 2 - Catalyst LE.SC2ReplaySpeCialFeb 1, 20184:26
Bly v SpeCial: Game 3 - Backwater LEBlySpeCialFeb 6, 20184:21
The best i can doFeb 6, 201816:50
kauP v Yours: Game 1 - Abiogenesis LEkauPYoursJan 26, 20184:53
Lillekanin v VitamiN: Game 4 - Eastwatch LELillekaninJan 26, 201811:58
Aelith v souL: Game 1 - Abiogenesis LEsouLJan 26, 20186:44
MaSa v Serral: Game 1 - Neon Violet Square LEMaSaSerralJan 27, 201818:53
Blackpink LE (25)Jan 7, 201821:32
pvz talked shit can't back it uDec 16, 201713:25
pvz no units lostDec 29, 20176:31
1baseravegerJan 3, 20186:02
Odyssey LE (17)NinaScarlettDec 23, 201710:20
Catalyst LE (3)ScarlettSpeCialDec 24, 201716:50
Ascension to Aiur LE (20)ScarlettSpeCialDec 24, 20178:17
Odyssey LE (51)Dec 2, 20174:58
PvZ vs reynor (6k5 MMR) canon rush into double robot + battery shieldReynorNov 30, 20178:02
PvZ vs lambo (6k6 MMR) photon rush into 3gate in baseLamboNov 30, 20175:38
liquidthermy v Serral: Game 2 - Abyssal Reef LESerraluThermalNov 25, 20174:25
canon rush into proxy double robot immortelle PvZNov 23, 20178:04
soO v SpeCial: Game 2 - Abyssal Reef LEsoOSpeCialNov 4, 20175:02
GuMiho v Serral: Game 1 - Ascension to Aiur LEGuMihoSerralOct 29, 201712:42
Guru v liquidthermy: Game 3 - Blackpink LEGuruuThermalNov 9, 20178:01