Find the relevant section below in the pseudo-FAQ/contact page below. In general, you can contact us on twitter @spawningtool or via email at
Email us at or tweet at @spawningtool. Hopefully we can square that up as soon as possible.
Awesome! Spawning Tool is intended to be a tool for the community, so I hope you find it useful. The primary way to contribute is to create and publish great build orders! If you're interested in getting marked as a featured contributor, email us and we'll go from there.
If you have technical skills, there are a few levels you can help at:
Definitely! Just contact us via email, and we can figure out how we can send over the data in a usable format for you. We can't give server or direct database access, but we can generate dumps or provide replays
Currently, no. Feel free to upload replays and poke around with the data however you like. If you're a tournament organizer and want to include the data in your casts, go for it. Let us know at if there's anything we can do to help out.