Economic defensive PvX build aimed to get up a fast nexus and be reasonably safe against early all-in.
VOD and ladder replays forthcoming, just used this to get the rough timings.
Start 1 gate FE with Cyber before Nexus. This gets faster warpgate and early game units than nexus first, which allows you to be safe in PvP.
Add second gate after nexus. From your gates you will build 3 adepts and 2 stalkers before warpgate. Put 2 chrono into warpgate so it finishes as early as possible.
After you 2nd and 3rd adepts grab a very early robo for an immortal (chronod), prism, and observer. Immortal guards against early stalker, roach, and mech pressure. Prism allows micro and harass. Observer prevents DT, mine, and Banshee harass.
Transition to Chargelot Archon with +1 all in, or expand to 3 bases and macro.
Build order:
3 base follow up
After 1st warpin:
5:00 mark - Warp 3 more stalkers (11)
6:00 mark - nexus complets, transfer probes
7:00 Mark - Templar archives complete
7:30 Mark
Charge and +1 finishes, warp in at prism and attack.
Hit with +1 attack, 3-4 archons, 3 immortals, 12+ stalkers, 12+ zealots, prism and 8 gateways to reinforce.
12 | 0:01 | | |
13 | 0:13 | | |
14 | 0:17 | | |
14 | 0:23 | | |
15 | 0:31 | | |
15 | 0:38 | | |
15 | 0:39 | | |
16 | 0:46 | | |
17 | 0:51 | | |
18 | 1:04 | | |
19 | 1:16 | | |
20 | 1:26 | | |
20 | 1:34 | | |
20 | 1:36 | | |
21 | 1:46 | | |
21 | 1:53 | | |
21 | 1:56 | | |
22 | 2:02 | | |
22 | 2:10 | | |
24 | 2:31 | | |
24 | 2:43 | | |
28 | 2:51 | | |
31 | 3:02 | | |
33 | 3:12 | | |
35 | 3:20 | | |
35 | 3:23 | | |
43 | 3:41 | | |
47 | 4:03 | | |
47 | 4:08 | | |
53 | 4:13 | | |
54 | 4:21 | | |
54 | 4:41 | | |
54 | 4:42 | | |
57 | 4:48 | | |
61 | 4:55 | | |
62 | 5:06 | | |
64 | 5:09 | | |
64 | 5:20 | | |
68 | 5:28 | | |
72 | 5:36 | | |
74 | 5:53 | | |
78 | 6:03 | | |
85 | 6:25 | | |
87 | 6:31 | | |
93 | 6:33 | | |
93 | 6:46 | | |
97 | 6:52 | | |
97 | 7:06 | | |
97 | 7:10 | | |
103 | 7:50 | | |
111 | 7:54 | | |
114 | 8:17 | | |
122 | 8:23 | | |
129 | 8:43 | | |
129 | 8:47 | | |
115 | 9:17 | | |
123 | 9:24 | |
This build has two major differences from a normal 1 gate FE: cyber before nexus, and early second gateway.
The cyber first opener means you can get warpgate done before 4:00. This makes you safe in PvP from 3 gate all-ins despite the early expand. It also allows you to punish greedy or slack players with early an warpgate timing attack.
Your first milestone is to get 3 adepts out of your first 2 gateways around ~3:00. They are excellent at killing scouts, make you safe from marine and zergling rush, and allow for some harass against fast expanding players.
In pvt use your first adept to kill their scouting reaper, then push out with your 3 to harass their natural.
In PvZ you can kill initial lings and threaten to shade in to the mineral line to force more queens, lings, and roaches.
In PvP use adepts to kill scouting/proxy probes, scout for an expand/proxy, kill any zealot cheese, and threaten shade runby to force their units to stay near their ramp.
The next key timing is 4:00. At this time you should have 2 stalkers out of your gateways, your third gateway finishes, your immortal finishes, and your warpgate finishes. Warp in 3 more stalkers for a force of 5 stalkers 1 immortal. This is a very strong force for this timing.
PvP you can shut down 3 gate warpgate timing attacks, which hit around 4:30 with 10-12 stalkers. Your immortal + shield battery, along with 6-8 stalkers will allow you to hold and keep an economic advantage. The observer by 5:00 will also shut down DT timings.
PvZ this force can defend against early roach timings, or move out to pick off overlords and creep with the observer if you feel safe. This can transition to a powerful chargelot immortal +1 timing on the 3rd if they fail to respond.
PvT the first 5 stalkers can be used to poke, but be sure to be back home around 5:30 to defend any banshee, liberator, or drop harass.
After this timing you will be safe from most all ins if you just continue to macro. Add Twilight, forge, templar archives, and additional gateways to tech toward a +1 chargelot archon timing. Take a 3rd at 5 minutes if you feel safe and don't want to all-in.
I like this build because the early gateways are active the entire time until warpgate is finished, and production is very crisp. This gives you a much stronger than expected force in the early game, and against weak players can catch them off guard.
It also puts PvP on their back foot. They are forced to either expand later than you, or try a 1 base all in. By hitting early warpgate timing and consistently warping in units you can hold all but the most perfectly executed proxy all-ins, and keep the advantage.
The biggest weakness in PvP is vs a proxy robo immortal, stalker timing. If the enemy protoss opens 2 gate and attacks with their first 4 chrono'd stalkers while proxying a robo and 3rd gate, you will be under a lot of pressure. However they need to execute perfectly and hit prior to the 4 minute mark to harass before warpgate and the shield battery finishes.
To prevent this, set a probe to follow their scouting probe once they spot your nexus and go to leave your base. This will ensure either that you see them start the proxy, or they have to send out a second probe, slowing down their timing.
On Jan. 28, 2019, 3:59 p.m., wren42 said:
Please note:
Due to changes in warpgate and adept build times, this opening will no longer get out 5 units before warpgate finishes. it's now better to just chrono warpgate and build only 3 units, then warp in sooner.