
This build order is notorious for taking victory against Protoss.

Recently Maru,INnoVation and some other outstanding progamers have used it and gained high winning rate.

Of course it is very difficult to meet a deadline like that steps.

So, considerable pratice is recommended for satisfying eyes of high-level users.


Build Order

Get SALT Encoding   

  14  0:18  Supply Depot  1st
  16  0:40  Barracks  1st (proxy)
  16  0:46  Refinery  1st
  17  0:55  Refinery  2nd
  19  1:27  Reaper  1st
  20  1:28  Orbital Command  1st
  20  1:36  Supply Depot  2nd
  20  1:49  Factory  Build it on the main base
  21  2:00  Reaper  2nd
  24  2:32  Factory Reactor  1st
  24  2:34  Starport  
  26  2:53  Command Center  2nd
  26  3:00  Supply Depot  3rd
  27  3:09  Widow Mine x2  1st~2nd
  32  3:22  Medivac  1st
  34  3:27  Supply Depot  4th
  34  3:34  Widow Mine x2  3rd~4th
  40  3:52  Starport Tech Lab  1st (Tech Lab)
  41  4:02  Factory Tech Lab  2nd
  41  4:06  Orbital Command  2nd
  41  4:10  Marine x2, Banshee  1st~2nd, 1st
  46  4:11  Cloaking Field  
  47  4:22  Siege Tank  1st
  50  4:30  Marine x2  3rd~4th
  51  4:43  Supply Depot  5th
  51  4:49  Marine x2  5th~6th
  53  4:54  Banshee  2nd
  56  4:59  Siege Tank  2nd
  61  5:11  Marine  7th
  62  5:12  Bunker  
  64  5:20  Supply Depot  6th
  65  5:34  Marine x2  8th~9th
  67  5:35  Raven  
  69  5:42  Engineering Bay, Barracks x2  2nd~3rd
  69  5:47  Factory Reactor  2nd (Reactor)
  70  5:51  Supply Depot, Stimpack  7th
  70  5:53  Refinery  3rd
  71  6:01  Marine  
  74  6:06  Supply Depot  8th
  76  6:18  Marine  
  77  6:20  Terran Infantry Weapons Level 1  
  78  6:26  Barracks x2  4th~5th
  78  6:30  Factory Tech Lab, Marine x2  3rd
  81  6:37  Starport Reactor  3rd
  83  6:41  Marauder x2, Refinery  4th, 1st~2nd
  87  6:43  Combat Shields  
  86  6:46  Supply Depot  9th
  88  6:56  Marine x2, Factory Reactor  4th
  90  7:03  Marauder x2  
Spawning Tool Build Advisor. Get it on Overwolf


If you want to see some pictures(e.g. build table, structure icons on the map and so on), go into that address below.

Maybe you couldn't understand explanations now that it wasn't written by English.

But a great diversity of pictures would recover the flaw.

(1) Build table & Macro ~5:00

(2) Macro 5:00~ & Micro





(0:01) Send your SCV as soon as the game starts.

(0:40) Build a proxy barrack.

(1:49) Time to construct a Factory on your base (near the supplies).

(2:40) Return the proxy barrack to your base.

(2:53) Command Center / 2nd (Build it on the edge of your base in order to hide that structure)

(4:02~4:08) - [Barrack-Reactor, Factory-Tech Lab, Starport-Tech Lab]

  1. Lift off the Factory to build a Tech Lab (2nd).

  2. Land the proxy Barrack on the left of the Reactor.

(5:00) Transfer several SCVs on your main base to nearest expansion.

(5:12) Build a Bunker with some information obtained by your reconnaissance.


[Barrack/1st-Tech Lab/2nd, Barrack/2nd-Reactor/1st, Barrack/3rd, Factory-Reactor/2nd, Starport-Tech Lab/1st]

  1. Lift off Factory and make second Reactor for exchange.

  2. Construct a second Barrack where Factory was located.

  3. About the same time, build a third Barrack near the place of Starport.


[Barrack/1st-Tech Lab/2nd, Barrack/2nd-Reactor/1st, Barrack/3rd-Tech Lab/1st, Barrack/4th-Reactor/2nd, Barrack/5th Factory-Tech Lab/3rd, Starport-Reactor/3rd]

  1. Lift off Factory&Starport.

  2. Set up a third Tech Lab (Factory) and a third Reactor (Starport).

  3. Build a fourth Barrack at the vacant seat (previously occupied by Factory)

  4. At the same time, construct a Fifth near the Factory.

  5. Transfer the third Barrack to the empty space near the first Tech Lab. (previously taken by Starport)

(6:56~) Lift off Factory and make a Reactor(4th).



1. Reaper(s)

Get some probes and check situations. (e.g. expansion, tech up, number of gates and so on)

2. Mine drops

(1) Attract Protoss' attention with 1~2 Reapers by attacking probes at enemy's expansion.

(2) At the same time, put a Medivac with 4 Widow mines into the main base of Protoss.

3. Banshee(s) and a Medivac

Like the tactic of above combination, Banshee(s) and a Medivac(with some mines) could cause economic loss to Protoss.

With this pressure, Terran should take the initiative for the upcoming timing-rush.


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  • Created by: heynocola
  • Published on: Sep 15, 2018
  • Modified on: Sep 16, 2018
  • Patch: 4.0.0
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