
This appeared on r/AllThingsTerran as a BotW, found here:


Build Order

Why is there no SALT encoding or Overwolf build?

  14    Supply Depot  
  15    Refinery  
  16    Barracks  
  19    Orbital Command  
  19    Reaper  
  20    Command Center  
  20    Factory  
  21    Refinery  
  21    Barracks Reactor  
  22    Supply Depot  
      Widow Mine  @100% Fact
      Starport  @100 Gas
      Marine  @100% Barracks: Nonstop Marine Production.
      Orbital Command  @100% CC
      Factory Tech Lab  @100% Widomine
      Factory Tech Lab  @100% Starport: Swap onto factory techlab
  35    Banshee  
  35    Cloaking Field  
  38    Factory Tech Lab  
  40    Supply Depot  Consistent Depot production.
  46    Siege Tank  @100% Techlab
  46    Refinery  
      Banshee  @100% Banshee
      Siege Tank  @100% Tank
      Raven  @100% Banshee
      Siege Tank  @100% Tank
    5:00  Siege Tank  Move out around 5 minutes.
  78  5:20  Command Center  
  83  5:40  Barracks x2  build one of these onto the pre-existing techlab.
  83    Siege Tank  
    5:50  Engineering Bay  
    5:53  Starport Reactor  
Spawning Tool Build Advisor. Get it on Overwolf


Taken directly from the reddit BotW, all credit to: Osiris1316 and those who assisted him listed at the bottom.

Analysis: First things first, welcome back! My apologies for the long delay in having this up and running again. For the time being, we will try to keep the weekly (or bi-weekly at worst) pace of this project once more. We selected a fairly simple build to ease our way back into things. Of course, it’s a TvP build because you know, Protoss OP (/s) so we need all the help we can get right? This build opens with a gas first Reaper Fast Expand. This provides all the benefits of the RFE, scouting, a fast second base, etc. Building the first Refinery before the first Barracks ensures that the Factory and Reactor start time line up properly to allow for earlier double Marine production. This is important because we are lining up for a timing attack. Each second counts! The Reaper does the usual Reaper thing and scouts. Innovation loses his but manages to see that it is a Robo first transition after expand. Pretty standard. The expand is followed up with a 1/1/1 (Barracks, Factory, Starport) transition for heavy tech rather three Barracks for a large infantry force. This suggests things are about to get technical. Using a low unit count, but high tech force, this build aims to threaten, distract and pounce. I want to note the beautiful use of the Widow Mine. Innovation moves it out on the map, anticipating the Adept movement and after missing the shot, Innovation moves the Mine further toward DoKyung’s side of the map to catch the Adept on its way home after Innovation lifted his Depot wall to prevent scouting information. The Adept is killed by the repositioned Mine, which is then rallied to the Protoss third. Once there, it can scout the third base timing or it can borrow to annoy the probe looking to build the third. Very nice use of the unit. Innovation uses the Banshee’s to distract DoKyung and look for some Probe kills while he begins his move out. Watch the minimap at 5:00. DoKyung now needs to keep some Stalkers at his Main and Natural bases. This allows for an opening for Innovation to move into position to threaten both the Third base location as well as the Natural ramp. Keep in mind that DoKyung probably doesn’t want to be building Stalkers given that he has invested into Glaives: another little indirect damage. Behind this move out, Innovation commences third 3rd CC and rounds out the bio infrastructure (3/1/1). The timing push does particularly well because DoKyung is forced to make hard decisions. Does he move all units to the Natural and risk losing Probes in the Main at Natural mineral lines? Or does he try to mitigate the distractions while trying to survive the push. DoKyung makes a blunder of it all as he tries to attack well-entrenched forces of Innovation. This does not go well and opens up an opportunity for Innovation to move the basic Marines in for the unit kills. Note the decision Innovation makes. He does not target the Natural Nexus. He does not target Probes. Why? Because he knows that by eliminating DoKyung’s forces now, while he has the upper hand, he can kill the Nexus and Probes later. Many pro’s will hold back, let their Nexus take damage and delay for as long as possible to allow for extra warp in rounds. DoKyung however does not do so. This is what we call a forced error. Unlike unforced errors (hoping your opponent makes a mistake on their own and relying on that to win), a forced error is what you should aim to create as much as possible. This is why you should always do your best to feign an attack on one side while moving in on the other with your main force. The Banshee’s got into DoKyung’s head, and the Marine Tank force got into position. DoKyung then panics. Let’s imagine that he had not though. Innovation can just try to get a little damage with the Banshees, or save them for the actual push. The Raven which is on its way to join the fight, is the key. The Anti-Armour missile activates the Immortal Shield as well as greatly increases the DPS of all of your units. Think of it as baby Stim. The object of this build is to punish a greedy Protoss. If they take their Third Nexus early, around 4:00, they will not have a lot of units to deal with the timing push. If they opened Stargate their Oracles will need to stay at home to try and tag the Cloak Banshees. If they opened Glaives they have to build Stalkers. If they open Blink, that’s likely the most challenging scenario to be honest. But hey, no build counters everything. Once all is said and done, back home you have three CC’s and 1/1/1 infrastructure with two Tech Labs. Why is this nice? Well, you can just build an Engineering Bay and two Barracks directly onto the preexisting Tech Labs for a Bio transition. OR… you can add two Armouries and transition into Mech. But wait! Mech isn’t viable in TvP… or is it? Stay tuned for the next BotW! A massive thank you to u/maxilicious and u/szardz for their help getting this back on its feet. Especially u/szardz who copied the build order from the Vod. God I wish we had replays.

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  • Created by: Alacrity
  • Published on: Aug 08, 2018
  • Modified on: Aug 08, 2018
  • Patch: 4.0.0

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Comments (2)

On Aug. 14, 2018, 10:20 p.m., erieljr  said:

Salt encoding?

On Aug. 13, 2018, 2:47 a.m., starcraft2  said:

dit me

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