
First and foremost this is NOT my build order. All credit goes to Bombs for this build order. A link to the video where he performs and describes this build order is linked here:

I simply transcribed the build order over to SpawningTool. Thank you Bombs! :)


Build Order

Why is there no SALT encoding or Overwolf build?

  14    Supply Depot  Rally first scv to ramp
  15    Refinery  
  16    Barracks  @100% Reactor, Factory, Orbital, Supply
  17    Refinery  
  19    Barracks Reactor  @100% constant Marine
  19    Factory  @100% Tech Lab, Starport
  19    Orbital Command  Mule when finished
  19    Supply Depot  
  20    Marine x2  
  23    Factory Tech Lab  @100% float and new tech lab
  23    Starport  @100% float onto Factory tech lab
  24    Supply Depot  @100% constant depot
  27    Factory Tech Lab  @100% Siege Tanks
  29    Cloaking Field  
  29    Banshee  Rally to enemy base
Spawning Tool Build Advisor. Get it on Overwolf


14 Supply
15 Gas
16 Barracks
17 Gas
100% Barracks > Reactor > Factory > Orbital > Supply
100% Factory > Make Tech Lab. When this Tech Lab finishes, Lift and make a new Tech Lab.
100% Starport > Land on unoccupied Tech Lab, research Cloak, start a Banshee

Tech as quickly as possible.
Focus on killing tech units with the Banshee.
Move out at 5:00 (usually right after the first Banshee’s energy is depleted).

From the Barracks you only produce Marines.
From the Factory you only produce Siege Tanks.
From the Starport you only produce Banshees.
If you do the build order very well, you should arrive at the enemy base at around 4:20.
Make sure you stop making SCVs when you fully saturate your main base!

Depending on how the attack goes, you can drop a CC or continue to pressure.

You'd want to move towards a convergence point of a 3-1-1 or 1-3-1 depending on bio or mech. Follow up with upgrade buildings.

Go to:


  • Created by: tilde
  • Published on: Jul 16, 2018
  • Modified on: Jul 16, 2018
  • Patch: 4.0.0

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