
This is a very defensive opening to secure two bases/not take damage from protoss shenanigans, while teching up to starport for an allin.

Keep in mind that I took out all scvs, marines, and marauders. This makes the build look cleaner and easier to follow. You can see the timings of the cyclone, siege tanks, liberators, and medivacs though.

Replay - Ulrena (14)

Build Order

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  14  0:18  Supply Depot  
  15  0:42  Barracks  
  16  0:45  Refinery  
  19  1:31  Orbital Command  
  20  1:46  Command Center  
  20  1:58  Factory  
  23  2:19  Supply Depot  
  23  2:41  Factory Tech Lab  
  23  2:42  Barracks  
  26  3:00  Cyclone  
  30  3:02  Orbital Command  
  31  3:09  Bunker  
  31  3:15  Refinery  
  31  3:22  Engineering Bay  
  38  3:46  Stimpack  
  38  3:51  Supply Depot  
  38  3:52  Barracks Reactor  
  39  4:00  Missile Turret  
  39  4:04  Widow Mine  
  48  4:31  Starport  
  51  4:36  Widow Mine  
  54  4:54  Supply Depot  
  54  4:55  Supply Depot  
  61  5:13  Factory Tech Lab  
  61  5:16  Refinery  
  61  5:18  Supply Depot  
  61  5:19  Terran Infantry Weapons Level 1  
  70  5:34  Supply Depot  
  71  5:42  Siege Tank  
  71  5:47  Barracks  
  71  5:48  Supply Depot  
  87  6:21  Siege Tank  
  87  6:30  Medivac  
  88  6:36  Barracks Tech Lab  
  88  6:39  Barracks  
  90  6:42  Supply Depot  
  90  6:43  Barracks, Command Center  
  94  7:01  Siege Tank  
  99  7:04  Refinery  
Spawning Tool Build Advisor. Get it on Overwolf


With this build, you open with the same gas timing as a reaper expand, but you build marines instead, opening up the ability to expand and get a fast factory.

A bunker is build for safety when you send the cyclone across the map (if you choose to do so). I usually scan the protoss base with the first 50 energy on my natural (right after the orbital finishes).

I also build an engineering bay a bit after the bunker in case of DTs. The early economy that LotV provides opens up these options to be safe, but still secure a 2 base eco.

The reason that a cyclone is built is to stop protoss early game harass. A cyclone will kill adepts, stalkers, oracles, warp prisms, and basically anything they can send. It is not a 100% guarantee for safety though.

After 1 cyclone is built, you can switch the tech lab to the barracks to start stim, this allows you to have an early stim too, along with the safety of the cyclone.

In this game, a widow mine is built from the factory because the protoss went oracle. If they do not go oracle, you can use the factory to start more addons, to push even further ahead and refine the timing that the all-in hits a bit.

One thing that you can do to optimize the build is by scv scouting. If you can confirm they are not going stargate, you can send the cyclone across the map to take early map control/kill any units crossing the map. This can give you a small edge and force the protoss to react.

The tanks and liberators are so good in LotV because of the new photon overcharge design. Tanks and liberators outrange them. Use the liberators to zone out the protoss army, while using the tanks to take out pylons and slowly push into their base. This works best on maps with a large ramp into the natural.

Once you push far enough, the protoss will be forced to react and take all of the army and maybe even probes to the fight to try to hold you back.

Go to:


  • Created by: MorN   
  • Published on: Nov 18, 2015
  • Modified on: Nov 18, 2015
  • Patch: Pre-3.8.0
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Comments (2)

On March 2, 2016, 5:01 p.m., lenichi  said:

I wish you could delete comments because I commented on the wrong build order...

On March 2, 2016, 5:01 p.m., lenichi  said:

This build is cool, but waaayyyy too hard to micro and macro at the same time for me. What do you think about bringing a few SCVs with the initial cyclones to repair?

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