
I'm pretty sure this build isn't new, but i saw Scarlett using it in the WESG 2018 (2017) against Hut in ZvT. She opens with a pool first and 6 lings into a hatch and a 3rd base, dodging the reaper by moving through the left or the right to the opponents base, looking for a CC kill/delay or an scv pull to kill off some scvs or at least force out some lost mining time while droning behind it. It's a pretty cool build in my opinion and it's also very safe against proxy rax and so on.


Replay - HuT v Scarlett: Game 1 - Catalyst LE

Build Order

Why is there no SALT encoding or Overwolf build?

  13    Overlord  
  16    Spawning Pool  
  18    Hatchery  
  17    Zergling  @Pool -> 6 lings + Queen
  20    Queen  Inject with first queen and send it to your natural
  22    Extractor  Rebuild the drone from the gas and rally it to the gas
  22    Overlord  After your overlord on 22 is out, you want to build drones and rally them to the gas (don't immediately put 3 in gas) to start your ling speed at 3:00 min.
  22    Queen  
  26    Queen  
  36    Hatchery  You want to have 3 queens and only drones (if possible) when getting your 3rd base at 36 supply. Scarlett leaves drones in gas and goes for a Lair, but you can transition as you like at this point!
Spawning Tool Build Advisor. Get it on Overwolf



  • very safe against cheese
  • putting pressure on the opponent very early (maybe get more done than you should against some opponents that get caught off guard)
  • getting to 3 bases with a good economy behind it, pretty easily
  • works on most 2 player maps
  • transition into anything!


  • if the reaper gets to your base it is undefended for a few seconds and you might be forced to micro your drones a little bit until the 2nd queen gets out
  • if you don't get any damage / mining time loss done with your lings you end up a little behind until you catch up with drones
  • multitasking with some ling micro in the early-game is required to get the best out of this build

Go to:


  • Created by: lwyYy  
  • Published on: Mar 14, 2018
  • Modified on: Jul 02, 2018
  • Patch: 4.0.0

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Comments (5)

On Dec. 20, 2018, 7:58 a.m., lwyYy  said:

@Angrythundergod it means that you put down a gas at 22, so you're at 21 again, rebuild the drone used for the gas, so you're at 22... and rally it into the gas.

On July 16, 2018, 9:10 a.m., Angrythundergod  said:

What do you mean by "rebuild the drone from the gas." I'm a bit confused about what's going on here in the build order. I'm unsure if you're telling us to use the extractor trick to get out an extra drone or just build an extractor at 22 and rally excess drones to gas.

On March 19, 2018, 3:19 p.m., NyKoN  said:

I tested and not sure.can you test?

On March 19, 2018, 10:12 a.m., lwyYy  said:

@nykon i haven't done salt enconding yet, i'll add it soon maybe, but it's really super easy to execute, just try it a few times in a custom game.

On March 18, 2018, 11:23 a.m., NyKoN  said:

Need Salt plz

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