
Unfortunately the latest patch broke the replays I intended to use for this and Innovation's stream is behind a paywall, but with so many Terran struggling I didn't want to delay this any longer. I'll update it with more replays as I have time to play.

I originally stole this build from Innovation's stream and further refined it with some experiments on my own.

Update: Link to the Reddit Thread

The goal of this build is to set up a powerful early economy and go into a heavily upgraded cyclone based 2-2 mech push around 9:30. You open with 4 cyclones which provide powerful all-around early game defense and are the key to holding most forms of early aggression- stalker pressure, stargate units, fast warp prism, ect, so it's important you keep these alive.

As a disclaimer, I wouldn't say this is the magical genie build you learn to sudden fix TvP or anything. In fact, I think Innovation himself has stopped using it. Nonetheless, I think it's a very solid build for players below the top pro level feeling frustrated with the matchup and wanting to try out something new. This style has a lot less frustration with it than playing bio vs stalkers / disruptors, and you can usually easily pinpoint and fix your mistakes.

update 2: Still rocking the build and recently hit 5.5k on NA, here's another replay pack including games vs Minigun, PiG, Bowman and more!

update: Here's a replay pack for anyone interested, including a win vs top 50 GM TheoRy

Here's a link to the Google Docs version of the build order


Replay - TvP_Cyclone_Mech_BO

Build Order

Get SALT Encoding   

  12  0:00  SCV  
  13  0:13  SCV  
  14  0:17  Supply Depot  
  14  0:25  SCV  
  15  0:29  Refinery  
  15  0:39  SCV  
  16  0:46  Barracks  
  16  0:51  SCV  
  17  1:03  SCV  
  18  1:15  SCV  
  19  1:32  Orbital Command  
  19  1:33  Reaper  Scout around for proxies before going across the map
  20  1:44  Command Center  
  20  1:54  Factory  
  20  1:58  SCV  
  21  2:04  Refinery  
  21  2:07  Barracks Reactor  
  21  2:14  SCV  
  22  2:15  Supply Depot  
  22  2:28  SCV  
  24  2:50  Cyclone  If a stalker is coming across the map, move all scvs into main and raise depots until this pops
  27  2:56  Orbital Command  
  27  2:58  Cyclone  
  33  3:22  Cyclone  
  37  3:31  Cyclone  
  42  3:42  Command Center  
  42  3:48  Barracks Tech Lab, Supply Depot  
  45  3:57  Refinery x2  
  47  4:11  Siege Tank  
  50  4:23  Factory  
  52  4:29  Supply Depot  
  52  4:35  Factory  
  52  4:38  Barracks Tech Lab  
  54  4:52  Engineering Bay  
  56  4:53  Siege Tank  
  56  4:55  Orbital Command  
  59  5:04  Armory x2  
  61  5:14  Siege Tank  
  67  5:25  Siege Tank  
  72  5:33  Supply Depot  
  72  5:35  Hellion x2  
  76  5:41  Orbital Command  
  77  5:55  Siege Tank x2  
  81  6:01  Terran Vehicle Weapons Level 1  
  85  6:06  Terran Vehicle And Ship Armor Level 1  
  85  6:10  Refinery  
  88  6:18  Refinery  
  88  6:20  Hellion x2  
  95  6:31  Missile Turret  
  98  6:41  Factory x2  
  102  6:47  Hellion x3  
  102  6:50  Siege Tank  
  102  6:51  Infernal Pre-Igniter  
  110  6:55  Rapid Fire Launchers  
  113  7:09  Siege Tank  
  113  7:10  Cyclone x2  
  124  7:26  Factory Tech Lab, Siege Tank  
  124  7:27  Factory Reactor  
  127  7:33  Command Center  
  127  7:43  Cyclone x3  
  133  7:46  Hellion  
  138  7:57  Terran Vehicle Weapons Level 2  
  138  8:02  Terran Vehicle And Ship Armor Level 2  
  138  8:04  Hellion x2  
  148  8:23  Cyclone  
  164  8:56  Command Center  
  164  8:58  Factory x2  
  187  9:36  Planetary Fortress  
  187  9:59  Factory Tech Lab x2  
Spawning Tool Build Advisor. Get it on Overwolf


Common mistake - overly aggressive cyclones: You get these first 4 cyclones very quickly and with the lack of mothership core, it's very tempting to try to get aggressive with them. The problem is, Stalkers are very good at kiting Cyclones atm, so you're putting the game into your opponent's hands, and you also need these 4 cyclones to deal with any warp prism shenanigans or more aggressive builds.

Common mistake - too many tanks: You really only need a core of ~8 siege tanks; I wouldn't go much higher than this unless your opponent is making non-chargelot based ground army.

Common mistake - too much hellion harass: Hellion harass is great and can do devastating damage, but if you trade out too many of your hellions vs a chargelot based composition, you're going to get boned come the main engagement.

Common mistake - surprise carriers: Once you've saturated your third, you should start saving all your orbital energy for scans and keep a constant eye on your opponent's army composition and production. As soon as you see him start transitioning into carriers, it's time to attack.

vs Stalker-centric compositions: Honestly this build just wrecks them. Tanks and Cyclones both wreck stalkers, and the common support units for the Stalkers- Disruptors, Collosi, Sentries, High Templar- all fair little better. I see this rarely though, usually when the Protoss player blindly assumes I'm playing bio.

vs Chargelot / Immortal / Archon: Hellions are the key to your salvation. While it's tempting to use all of your hellions to harass, vs a chargelot based composition you need to keep your hellions with your army in a very healthy count or risk getting overrun. A backbone of ~8 tanks is all you need, otherwise hellions and cyclones should make up the bulk of your army. Keeping your hellions in hellion mode seems to have a higher success rate from my experience, with the longer splash and greater mobility helping more than the bulkier frame of the hellbat. If your opponent stubbornly stays on this composition, adding in a couple of ghosts for emp can add a ton of value to your army.

vs Protoss Air: Just like with bio, this build has no way of beating a maxed out fully upgraded carrier army, so the key vs air is to not let them get there. You need to be constantly scanning and attack the Protoss player while they're transitioning into carriers. Cyclones can actually deal with a small number of carriers quite efficiently with the Rapid Fire Launchers upgrade, and Thors can be added for surprisingly high damage support. I don't recommend going for a viking transition like Innovation did in the VOD as I find this to be too slow and ultimately ineffective.

Other Notes: Innovation plays this build without an SCV scout, which I feel is greedy and potentially an autoloss vs proxy 1 gate or 12 gate shenanigans. If you struggle vs these builds, just add an scv scout at 17 supply and build cc on the high ground if something fishy is happening. This build holds 2 base all-ins quite well as long as you don't try to take / hold your third too early; scan often and figure out what Protoss is doing. Your first 4 cyclones are also your primary anti-air against early warp prisms or stargate units, so don't lose them like Innovation did unless you feel quite safe or like living dangerously.

Go to:


  • Created by: Pursuit     
  • Published on: Dec 08, 2017
  • Modified on: Dec 21, 2017
  • Patch: 4.0.0
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Comments (5)

On Feb. 18, 2018, 10:36 a.m., Mithriel  said:

I really like this build, but have yet to win with this haha. Stalker / immortal smash through my mech army I feel. (Diamond 3 3700 MMR)

Anyone has any tips on that?

Guess will keep on trying!

On Dec. 18, 2017, 8:29 p.m., Trizztein2  said:

Also how do you deal with mass stalkers + phoenix play? The phoenix just lift my tanks and cyclones, and I'm only left with hellions to deal with the stalkers ...

On Dec. 18, 2017, 8:58 a.m., Trizztein2  said:

Thank you for this very well explained build order! You go further than just expose the build and actually otake the time to explain the fundamentals of the mech style in TvP, congratulations, we don't see that all the time :)

On Dec. 10, 2017, 10:05 p.m., Pursuit  said:

Just updated my profile with all the information, thanks!

On Dec. 10, 2017, 3:42 p.m., StoicLoofah  said:

Thanks for the detailed build and analysis! We have it featured on the front page of the site. Do you have a twitter account to link to your profile so we can mention it there as well?

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