
INnoVation has an absurd winrate with this build. He used this build in ShoutCraft Kings December, and has been able to dominate many players using it. The concept of this build is to abuse the power of the Cyclone early game in TvT, and to follow it up with a Tank push entering the mid game.

----- Credits to TerranCraft -----


Build Order

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  14  0:17  Supply Depot  
  15  0:28  Refinery  
  16  0:44  Barracks  
  17  0:56  Refinery  
  19  1:32  Reaper, Orbital Command  
  20  1:36  Factory  
  20  1:47  Supply Depot  
  21  2:05  Reaper  @100% Reaper
  23  2:19  Cyclone  @100% Factory
  27  2:23  Starport  @100% Factory
  27  2:28  Supply Depot  @100 Minerals
  28  2:39  Barracks Tech Lab  @100% Reaper
  30  2:52  Hellion  @100% Cyclone
  32  3:06  Raven  Swap Barracks and Starport
  32  3:25  Barracks Reactor, Command Center  @400 Minerals
  32  3:27  Factory Tech Lab  @100% Hellion
  32  3:45  Siege Tank  @125 Gas, or delay to get Stimpack
  35  3:51  Marine x2  Constant production
  37  3:52  Viking  @100% Raven
  39  4:30  Viking x2  Swap Starport and Barracks
  60  5:18  Stimpack  
Spawning Tool Build Advisor. Get it on Overwolf


The first timing of this build is derived from a pretty standard Reaper Cyclone TvT opener, and should hit with 2 Reapers and a Cyclone at 3:00. Do not lose the Reaper in the ensuing fight, and use the Cyclone to soak damage. After this initial timing, INnoVation makes Reactor'd Vikings, 2 Siege Tanks, a Raven, and some Hellions to hit a follow-up aggressive timing.

---- Credits to TerranCraft -----

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  • Created by: legend
  • Published on: Dec 13, 2016
  • Modified on: Dec 17, 2016
  • Patch: 3.8.0
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Comments (4)

On Dec. 18, 2016, 4:40 p.m., legend  said:

I think a Medivac out of Starport before Raven works better to fit the timings if opponent doesn't go for Banshee. I tried to delay tanks for Stim to hit the timing with Stim but now I think of it, you're only gonna have about 8 marines anyway, so MarineLord's timing is probably better.

On Dec. 17, 2016, 1:53 p.m., StoicLoofah  said:

Tweaked. I ended up flipping some things around to more precisely match the marinelord game. Particularly, he delays the Stimpack a lot, and timings are off because he doesn't get that first Hellion. Hopefully it looks okay

On Dec. 16, 2016, 5:04 p.m., legend  said:


On Dec. 15, 2016, 10:27 p.m., StoicLoofah  said:

Thanks for copying and sharing the build. Do you mind if I go through and link the VOD and annotate the build with more times and supplies? It would be helpful to get it in game with the overwolf overlay

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