note: will vary on how the attack goes, what tech your opponent goes etc. . .
-- ZvZ follow up Suggestion --
lair finish overseer scout for lair and if they go spire or commit to roach hydra
If you scout commitment to roaches go for your own +1 +1 speed roach timing and continue into lurker +2 +2 timing with 2 more gasses
If you scout spire, drop a hydra den, drone your 3rd as much as you can, go up to 4-5 gasses and go for a 2+2+ roach hydra timing
-- zvp follow up suggestion --
lair finish overseer scout for robo, stargate or twilight if you didnt scout during first attack
If you scout commitment to gateway or robo go for your own +1 +1 speed roach timing and continue into lurker +2 +2 timing with 2 more gasses
If you scout stargate, drop a hydra den, drone your 3rd as much as you can, go up to 4-5 gasses and go for a 2+2+ roach hydra timing
-- zvt follow up suggestion --
Dont let roach warren get scouted!
Great if your learning zerg, trying to ladder as zerg, or just great as a cheese that is generally good in most situations (in the current meta)
If you scout a ling flood from your opponent as your roach warren is finishing, cut drones for some Zerglings, drop a spine and defend with Roaches, before moving out with a counter attack
If your opponent commits to alot of spines be cautious, if you feel you cant crack them then get faster 3rd and faster lair. Deny their 3rd as long as possible and be sure to get a fast overseer to scout for potential spire.
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Work extra hard to keep reaper from scouting roach warren. On speed finish send your initial 4 speed lings to 3rd to clear away reaper, the longer it takes for them to figure out roachs are on the way the more likely you are to win.
Be sure to aim your first biles on the back of bunkers as to hit the bunker and any marines or scvs repairing it.
Go stright up his ramp and try to get on top of production, this is a instant kill move against Terran.
If they have a siege tank take caution in engaging, most cases you can't crack a player with siege tanks and good response timing. In which case its better to play from behind with and army than with out one.
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Keep your second overlord in your natural to scout cannon rushs
be sure to use your first 4 zerglings to hunt that pesky probe if its at your 3rd or nearby. The ammount of times it sneaks by and scouts the roach warren is to damn high!
Use biles to and army to focus down pylons before going for probes. Unpowering gateways/robos/stargates is kill move against protoss.
If they have an immortal take caution in engaging, most cases you can't crack a player with immortals and good response timing (unless you drop sick biles on them). In which case its better to play from behind with and army than with out one.
Extra replays
On Nov. 6, 2016, 12:21 p.m., Dirigo said:
Absolutely love this build! Been using it for a few weeks now and its one of the first builds I've mastered thus far. It's great against turtle players and can easily transition to some nydus play.
Cons: Although it's a great build it is difficult against early game aggression especially cheese. Try to scout early to see if the player is tech'ing up or expanding if not then abandon build.
On Oct. 14, 2016, 4:30 a.m., anansi1550 said:
Got ya covered mate, took me a bit to get it together as my comp is a potato.
On Oct. 13, 2016, 10:28 a.m., StoicLoofah said:
Thanks for sharing this build and a lot of detail about it! It looks like the VOD link doesn't actually go to a VOD, though. Do you have either that or a replay available to look at?