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Complete Build Order

  12  0:00  SCV  Rally this SCV to your ramp if you want to wall off or just have your first Supply Depot at the ramp.
  13  0:13  SCV  
  14  0:17  Supply Depot  
  14  0:25  SCV  
  14  0:27  Refinery  This Refinery should go down as soon as you have 75 minerals.
  15  0:39  SCV  
  16  0:45  Barracks  Rally the SCV that builds this Barracks to your natural. Depending on distance, you may want to tell it to mine minerals before placing a CC.
  16  0:51  SCV  
  17  1:03  SCV  
  18  1:15  SCV  
  19  1:31  Orbital Command  There will be a slight gap between when your last SCV finishes and when your Barracks finishes.
  19  1:32  Reaper  
  20  1:44  Command Center  
  20  1:57  SCV  
  20  2:00  Factory  As soon as your Orbital finishes, build a SCV and call down a MULE. Then pull a SCV to start the Factory.
  21  2:05  Barracks Reactor  Swap the Factory onto this Reactor as soon as the Factory is complete.
  21  2:09  SCV  
  21  2:10  Supply Depot  
  22  2:20  Refinery  This should be built when the Factory is half-completed.
  22  2:21  SCV  
  23  2:33  SCV  
  24  2:45  SCV  
  24  2:47  Starport  
  24  2:50  Hellion x2  
  29  2:52  Barracks Tech Lab  Swap the Starport onto this Tech Lab once the Starport is complete.
  29  2:57  Orbital Command, SCV  
  30  3:05  Supply Depot  
  30  3:11  Hellion  
  32  3:15  Hellion  
  34  3:22  SCV  
  35  3:29  Supply Depot, SCV  
  35  3:32  Banshee  If you think your opponent is going for Banshees, you must get a Raven and Viking instead of two Banshees, as you have no other anti-air.
  39  3:36  Cloaking Field  
  39  3:42  SCV x2  
  39  3:46  Hellion  
  43  3:50  Hellion  
  43  3:52  Supply Depot  
  46  3:55  SCV  
  46  3:56  SCV  
  47  4:07  SCV, Hellion  
  47  4:08  SCV  
  51  4:11  Hellion  
  51  4:15  Banshee  
  56  4:20  Factory  Start this factory right as your second Banshee starts so that the Factory finishes right as the Banshee finishes.
  56  4:22  Barracks Reactor  Once the second Banshee completes, swap the Factory onto the Starport's Tech Lab, and swap the Starport onto the Barrack's Reactor.
  56  4:27  SCV x2  
  58  4:31  Supply Depot  
  58  4:34  Hellion  
  58  4:35  Hellion  
  62  4:40  SCV x2  
  64  4:49  Supply Depot  
  64  4:52  SCV x2  
  66  4:55  Supply Depot  
  66  4:56  Hellion  
  66  4:57  Hellion  
  70  5:08  SCV x2  
  70  5:09  Hellion  
  70  5:10  Infernal Pre-Igniter  Time your attack to hit immediately after this upgrade finishes.
  70  5:11  Viking  These Vikings are used for anti-air during your attack. Land them if your opponent has no air.
  70  5:14  Viking