
14 0:16 Supply Depot
15 0:40 Barracks
16 0:44 Refinery
19 1:27 Reaper, Orbital Command
20 1:41 Command Center
20 1:49 Supply Depot
21 1:59 Marine
23 2:10 Factory
23 2:18 , Refinery
24 2:23 Barracks Reactor
25 2:44 Barracks
26 2:56 Starport
26 2:57 Orbital Command
27 3:06 , Barracks Tech Lab
27 3:07 Hellion
30 3:14 Hellion
34 3:28 Hellion
37 3:35 , Hellion
37 3:36 Liberator
37 3:40 Supply Depot
45 3:54 Supply Depot
45 3:55 , Barracks Tech Lab
46 4:09 Supply Depot
47 4:16 Marine
49 4:17 Siege Tank
49 4:18 Marine
49 4:19 , Marine
49 4:22 Starport Reactor
55 4:30 Stimpack
56 4:34 Marine
56 4:36 Marine x2
62 4:46 Command Center
62 4:48 Supply Depot
62 4:51 Refinery
62 4:52 Marine
64 4:54 Marine
64 4:58 Siege Tank
69 5:04 Refinery
70 5:09 , Medivac
70 5:11 Supply Depot, Marine x2
70 5:12 Marine
76 5:14 Medivac
78 5:27 Supply Depot
78 5:33 , Marine
78 5:34 Siege Tank
84 5:39 Supply Depot
84 5:40 Marine x2
86 5:45 Engineering Bay x2
88 5:54 Starport Reactor
88 5:57 Marine x2
88 6:01 , Supply Depot
89 6:04 Bunker
89 6:09 Barracks
89 6:10 Combat Shield
89 6:11 Marine
90 6:14 Terran Infantry Weapons Level 1
90 6:15 Marine x2
94 6:24 Terran Infantry Armor Level 1
88 6:33 Medivac, Siege Tank
88 6:39 Marine x3
96 6:43 Supply Depot
96 6:45 Armory
98 6:56 Marine
98 6:59 , Marine x2
98 7:00 Marine x2
104 7:01 Medivac
104 7:06 Supply Depot
105 7:23 Orbital Command

Replay - Revolutionary TvZ

Build Order

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This is a revolutionary TvZ build order by combining 1-1-1 opening with 2-1-1.

It provides standard liberator/medivac harrass timing with a earlier than standard marine-tank push while having a good 3rd CC timing and upgrades

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  • Created by: llllllllllllllllll
  • Published on: Jan 27, 2024
  • Modified on: Jul 05, 2024
  • Patch: 5.0.11
  • Difficulty: Medium
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