
3 rax timing where you run into oponnents natural and try kill probes or the army depending on their response (probes if allowed). Your army is not sustainable as you have no medivacs, but you are strong and you hit before protoss has enough to easily defend you. Follow up is up to yourself, as the rest after 5:00 is just what Byun did. The medivacs, barracks and cc are a must though.

Take into account that timings might depend on the game. For example: ByuN's cc was blocked. Put down immidietly at 400 minerals

Read analysis for reasoning of actions


Replay - ByuN v MaxPax: Game 4 - 2000 Atmospheres LE

Build Order

Get SALT Encoding   

  12  0:00  SCV  
  13  0:12  SCV  
  14  0:16  Supply Depot  
  14  0:24  SCV  
  15  0:38  SCV  
  15  0:39  Barracks  
  15  0:42  Refinery  
  16  0:50  SCV  This SCV scouts at 1:02. Put on gas once returned
  17  1:02  SCV  
  18  1:14  SCV  
  19  1:26  Marine, Orbital Command  
  20  1:41  Action  Pull 2 workers off gas at 100 gas
  20  1:44  Barracks Reactor  
  20  1:47  Command Center  
  20  1:51  Action  Pull last worker off gas (to build depot)
  20  1:52  SCV  
  21  1:56  Supply Depot  
  21  2:03  Barracks  
  21  2:05  SCV  
  22  2:10  Action  Rally workers to gas from cc
  22  2:13  Barracks  
  22  2:17  SCV  
  22  2:20  Marine x2  
  26  2:38  Marine x2  
  29  2:47  Bunker  
  29  2:50  Barracks Tech Lab  
  29  2:53  Refinery  
  29  2:56  Marine x2  
  31  2:59  Orbital Command  
  31  3:05  Barracks Tech Lab  
  33  3:10  Stimpack  
  33  3:11  Marine x2  
  34  3:16  Marine  
  37  3:28  Combat Shield  
  37  3:34  Supply Depot  
  43  3:47  Marauder x2  
  48  3:57  Supply Depot  
  54  4:15  Action  Move out with army as 2 marrauders pop. Upgrades should be done by around 4:50
  54  4:20  Engineering Bay  
  58  4:28  Factory  
  60  4:32  Supply Depot  
  62  4:54  Marauder x2  
  58  5:15  Marauder x2  
  58  5:17  Factory Reactor, Starport, Concussive Shells  
  58  5:20  Refinery  
  61  5:24  Terran Infantry Weapons Level 1  
  63  5:36  Marauder x2  
  63  5:41  Refinery  
  71  5:58  Marauder x2  
  71  6:01  Medivac x2  
  71  6:02  Factory Tech Lab  
  81  6:25  Siege Tank  
  82  6:45  Medivac x2  
  94  6:48  Command Center  
  94  6:52  Barracks x2  
  94  6:58  Siege Tank  
  108  7:39  Liberator x2  
  108  7:40  Factory Reactor  
  108  7:43  Barracks Reactor  
  114  7:44  Barracks Tech Lab  
Spawning Tool Build Advisor. Get it on Overwolf


  • The idea of this entire build is that you have a window with a sizeable army with stim and combat shields, in a timing before the protoss has critical mass. Go for natural probes or army depending on response
  • You want to hit at around 4:50 when your army hits both upgrades, which is why you move out at 4:15
  • Get +1 armor when +1 attack finishes. Byun forgot it this game. Getting a 2nd ebay with the armory is recommended
  • Do not produce marrauders until the first 2 noted. You do not have the gas for it. Otherwise upkeep constant mule dropping and marine and scv production - as much as possible.
  • SCV scout is optional however recommended as you skip the reaper, you would want to see if they built a nexus
  • The returning scv builds the 3rd barracks in ByuNs game, however this is optional especially if you want a closer scout than ByuN (only checked nexus).
  • You pull off gas temporarily because you save 50 gas from no reaper and need the minerals
  • you bassically always want 16 on minerals, while putting extra probes on gas. This has to wait a bit as extra scvs are taken to construct buildings. This explanation is probably an easier thing to follow than the exact instructions. This also means if you dont SCV scout, you will always have 1 scv on gas. Just always 16 on minerals

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  • Created by: Lukebomber     
  • Published on: Apr 01, 2022
  • Modified on: Apr 01, 2022
  • Patch: 4.11.0
  • Difficulty: Medium
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