Played by [Dark] during GSL S2 Finals, Game 5. Result: Victory and also won the tournament 4 - 1 in a Bo7 against Trap.
3 base queen roach attack with nydus.
Hits with around 10 queens, 12 roaches/ravagers at 7 minutes.
Why is there no SALT encoding or Overwolf build?
13 | | ||
16 | | 2nd base | |
18 | | ||
17 | | ||
21 | | 3rd base | |
20 | | Only 1 pair | |
21 | | ||
26 | | ||
34 | 2:50 | | |
38 | 3:15 | | |
48 | 3:50 | | |
56 | 4:00 | | Should be at 2 base mineral saturation, 2nd gas |
56 | 4:20 | | |
71 | 5:00 | | Gases 3-5 at once, 1 gas should be empty |
79 | 5:25 | | Should be on 58 drones w/ 5 gas |
79 | | As many as possible, then lings |
Go for a standard 3 base build focusing on droning as much as possible.
Key times for tech: 2:50 - Metabolic Boost (Delay speed for fast 3rd base) 4:00 - Lair, 3x Spore Crawlers 5:00 - Roach warren 5:25 - Nydus Network Nydus into opponents base ASAP
Aim for 58 drones with 5 gases before producing army. Produce as many queens as possible. Early game aim for 1 queen at all times. After bases are saturated, produce 3x queens at a time alongside army. Attack should hit @7:20 with ~10 queens, ~12 Roaches/Ravagers, many lings. Because Dark's initial 2 nydus were either destroyed or put in a bad spot, the full attack was delayed. The benchmarks above assume 2 nydus networks fail before the 3rd successfully deploying in the main.
Morph roaches into ravagers when gas and minerals permits.
A slow overseer can also be morphed in before the nydus network finishes to provide vision for Nydus, as well as provide detection against DT's.
Lack of speed means early aggression can be hard to hold. Build ideally used against Voidray opener.